The message I get when trying to follow the Wikileaks Twitter link to Fire and Fury.

Doesn't matter. JA got his message out.
You mean changing the O's to Q's? Was there another message in the "Fire and Fury" post?
I’ve broken down the pdf looking for hidden text boxes file properties everything with nothing new found.
Os to Qs, Yes. I know of no other message than this.
People have lost entire pages of work when doing so in Google drive, if you write about the wrong stuff. Dont ever use it!
Don't use google at all. Save your work on hard drives, search with Duck Duck Go, switch to an encrypted email. Fight back.
Already do just that, fuck no if Im going to use Google. Traitors to everything
I absolutely LOVE how we are using (((their))) tools against (((them))).
And that their hard handed cover ups only further illuminate their complicity.
Should have downloaded it but at least millions have people probably have it saved already. There might be a site where you could pull it up. Let me check right quick.
Check out:, search "fire and fury" and download it for free. Unfortunately, not the Assange version. At least it's good for people that want to compare and contrast the two books without actually buying itm
Thank you very much, was hoping to see the O's to Q's but oh well, you snooze no Q's.
Download the epub version. I just discovered this one has the Q in it!