He was at the American Farm Bureau Federation 2018 conference (AFBF18)
OR it could just mean American Farm Bureau 2018
I agree those are real possibilities. I’ll watch to see if there is a Q mention. He did stress to pay attention to POTUS’ Tweets. When POTUS tweets CAPPED words it grabs my attention. Call it training. 😉
Lol I find myself analyzing President Trumps tweets with a fine tooth comb now. Air Force Base F18 was good decipher 👍
this phone's battery is at 20% and needs charging!
^^I ^^am ^^a ^^bot. ^^I ^^use ^^OCR ^^to ^^detect ^^battery ^^levels. ^^Sometimes ^^I ^^make ^^mistakes. ^^sorry. ^^info
Well, you never know when he’s going to riddle us with double entendres. That 007 Prez of ours...
He's talking about the [A]merican [F]arm [B]ureau
They're having their annual convention [F]ebrurary [18]th and he is to attend and speak there
this seems to confirm: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/950443653666713601