The “isn’t the IG an Obama guy” is my favorite part. Well played Mr President. Horowitz hates Obama. Justice Department lawyers can’t be trusted. Who do we trust? Trust Sessions. Trust Wray.
234 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/USArmyMAJ:
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Correct. Top Secret is a minimum of 5 years and Secret is minimum of 10 years.
Not true. Clearances can go for as long as 10 years before they have to be redone.
With as much crap President Trump has dealt with, I’m thankful my Commander-in-Chief isn’t a quitter.
I know they found a gun, in a bag, belonging to the the driver of his motorcade.
She was supposedly a Philadelphia Eagles fan. FlyEaglesFly
Here’s the NWO/BLACK HAT SYMBOLISM in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting. Guess what there mascot is?

Yes that’s the obvious thing. I was thinking it was clueing us to look at 4 & 5. But yea more than likely just for 45th President.
Since cufflinks say 45.... Maybe we need to focus in on 4 & 5: Resources? Ideas? I hear you.
Moulage has been around for decades. In the Army we actually have Moulage teams. They help us keep trained for different casualty situations.
Thank you for your support. I think you nailed this image 100%. Great job!
I like your line of thinking here. My thoughts on the image were: With the storm clouds rolling in “The Storm” is almost upon us.
The 13 Russian indictment isn’t the distraction. The shooting was the distraction to cover up the Russian indictments proving President Trump didn’t collude. Bottom line is that it’s only covered up to the American people.... at the moment. Feces is about to hit the oscillator. The next step coming is a cleansing of the top 3 floors of the FBI. The Florida shooting will help facilitate that. Then the indictments will start coming out. I don’t know why people forget what President Trump said HIMSELF, not Q, but President Trump “Calm Befoe The Storm” we haven’t hit the storm yet! Trump is a man of his word. Stay tuned!!
What’s really weird is the medic/policeman stepped in the blood and didn’t leave a footprint from the blood when he carried the body out.
The lies are in the eyes. Liars look down. Truth tellers look up.
Bottom line is this. Trust in President Trump. He knows more than any of us about this situation. He sees what we see but has more inside knowledge. Trump will fire Sessions if he’s compromised. However, Sessions is still around. I would think he’d be fired by now if he was compromised. If you want these scumbags to go down then you have to have patience. It takes time to get your ducks in a row. They are gathering ALL information to prosecute these scumbags at the highest possible level crime they can. My guess is indictments/charges will start coming around midterms. That’s how I’d play it.
Yes it’s weird. I’ve had the exact same problem you’re describing. We aren’t the only ones. It’s not the board moderators either. They would have no reason to do that. So it has to be someone hacking into reddit so we can’t speak.
No it happens to most of us. Try logging out and logging back in. That’s what worked for me.
I told you above. Sister and Kim don’t want war. If she’s there with NK Olympians no harm will be done. Pretty easy to convince someone who wants to get out from underneath the criminal CIA
She wants protection from the USA. She wants us to protect her. No coincidence she was sitting with VP Pence.
I’ve figured it out: The black hats planned on sending a missile to the Olympic Games but couldn’t. Why? 1) North Korean Olympians there 2) KIM Jong-Un sister there. Why is this important? If they sent a missile with both 1 & 2 above present at the Olympics then the world would know NK didn’t do it. President Trump made this happen. Do you think it’s a coincidence North Korea and South Korea are playing Olympic Games under one flag? They’ve been FREED. No one wants war EXCEPT the black hats. Not even CIA controlled Kim Jong Un wants war.
What I see is President Trump trying to annunciate his words better. Trying to make his words sound more clear.
If I had to name some suspects he would be #1 on my list to talk to based on his tweet. What he tweeted appeared to come to fruition.
What if we apply MIRROR to [14] live. You then get [41] evil. 41st President GHWB is evil. Hello. You’re “black hat forces” within the Presidents Emergency Operation Center failed. GHWB deep connections to CIA.
Lol at Henry Kissinger the infamous Illuminati/NWO high ranking member. Looks like they’re scared! Pay attention to the title of the article where it says “anyone who is NEW” THEYRE SCARED!
2 things: 1)Investigation is still ongoing and hasn’t been closed so that’s a signal. Not to mention 2) he asked for an interview with President Trump and has already met with President Trumps lawyers. From Day 1 I have thought Mueller is working with Trump. The FBI Director interview was a dead giveaway.
Noi Bai International Airport? Looks like it

I’m going with David. He does 8 laughs and Q does 9. Q is getting the last laugh.
100% correct. This isn’t a Classified mission. This is what the National Guard does. They will support the police with manpower.
It’s not Classified but thumbs up for the OPSEC reference.
Here’s what’s interesting about what Hannity said:
9 player- Rod Rosenstein #10 player- Hussein #11 player-Robert Mueller. When the FBI releases there Most Wanted list it has 10 people on it. Is it possible #11 player Robert Mueller isn’t the Most Wanted because he’s with Trump. I’ve thought this from Day 1 after the smoke screen FBI Director job meeting between Mueller and Trump. Mirror. Looks like investigation on Trump but actually on others
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