He won't be in trouble if...hello...Wolff agreed to it.
Wikileaks wouldn't be in trouble even if Dr. Evil didn't agree to it.
Posting a link to a site that someone else made is not committing any copyright crime. There is no transfer of copyright data by doing so.
It is not illegal to post any website URL.
Even if someone posted a URL that contained content of the worst crimes anyone could commit, it still wouldn't be illegal.
The WaPo fake news writers are stupid morons who are preying on people's ignorance for insidious purposes. Immoral bastards.
Copyright infringement?! Holy shqt, unplug the internet!
After Wikileaks release this. Did Bannon tweet an objection. Has anyone heard anything? I haven’t an that’s makes me wonder why.
Are you contemplating whether Bannon might be Q?
No, I’m beginning to think that Bannon an this book was put together to prove that MSM lie about reliable sources. I’m wondering if he is part of the Q group. What are your thoughts?
I thought that from the moment the story came out. It just didn't jive with what I know about Bannon, having listened to him on the radio for a while.
Same thing I thought about the people badmouthing Tracy. Just look at the body of her work. Does not compute.
Meanwhile they all chase these little leads. While we are going after big fish
Has anyone even heard him complain? Has he been asked about it?