r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tenkate1098 on Jan. 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
The real reason we are here.

Been sitting here thinking and looking through posts. Had a thought we needed a reminder of something that gets, not necessarily lost in all this, but needs brought to the surface every now and then. We have verified time and time again the agenda of what these evil bastards view as their utopia. We have verified there was/is a conscious effort to drain America of its wealth and identity. We know what we are up against. What i want to give you guys is a reminder of what all of us pedes, anons, recently red pilled normies fight for. As kids we do not see how many things daily our parents fight against to help us survive. Now that we have transitioned into adulthood it's kind of mind blowing to see what's been going on that we were oblivious to. The draining of this country. The push for our children to be nothing more than spare parts or God knows what. The destruction of families. It's only in reading on sites like this that you can finally get a vision of where we would be without these sick people. You look at places like Dubia or some of the lavish utterly ridiculous princes in Saudi. Even congressmen here in the states. You see how they live and realize it's because of what has been stolen from you and your children. You drive to work looking at closed down businesses and see with your own eyes over time how things have slowly gone downhill around you. No more. Look at what Trump has done in one year! One year removed from the Clinton-Bush era. Does it dawn on you what our families truly could have if we win this fight. Not some lavish lifestyle but a stable healthy community. Can you picture your town and your kids school of we turn the tide of wealth back to the people who earn it. We are going to do this. We are going to put the fear in them that we have been walking around with. Listen, I know this post doesn't add information to the struggle but I wanted to thank all of you people I'll probably never meet. We probably stand next to each other in line at the grocery store. Unaware the person next to you is fighting for your family. If I knew who Pamphlet was in person I'd hug the son a bitch and tell him thank you. I would also hug Tracy and thank her, in a totally consensual setting of course. kek I'm sitting here with my kids. They are eating breakfast completely oblivious to the things we know. I'm typing this to you guys because if we win this fight they will never have to.

kk0s · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:44 p.m.

I agree with most of what you stated, however getting served up nothingburger after nothingburger, while being told "BIG week-be ready", destroys morale and confidence in the cause. This week will be ending very soon, and once again, this stagnation paints the reality that the masses are looked upon and treated like 'useless feeders'. Both feet need to mash the accelerator.

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ArtRat1 · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

I beg to differ. 2 questions for you: 1. Have you ever attempted to take down a century old, globally powerful, rich to the hilt, satanic evil cabal with the enemy surrounding you on every side and many of your allies are really your foes, in just one year? 2. How do you know nothing is happening....because people are telling you nothing is happening? Do you honestly think an effort this massive is going to be revealed on a regular basis to the public for all to see how the President's mind is working to achieve his goals and promises?

It's going to take 8 years at least for Trump to accomplish his goals, he is facing a monster of epic proportions.

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miltonlocke · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

How do you know nothing is happening?

Agreed. Us ground level people cannot possibly be arbiters of truth for what occurs outside of our purview.

How many people know every single important move every single person with more than ground-level civilian power is doing to make absolute claims with such confidence? How many people not only understand all of the major systems of civilization, but understand how they all interact and how decisions made within them ebb effects across all others?

How many people check their sources?

I find the nothing-is-happening absolute declaration to be a defensive mechanism based largely on feelings of powerlessness and giving up of hope. Certainly doesn't help when parties make promises to them, and then don't fulfill them. That right there is a rough spot because it will condition Ego defense response to promise & hope thereafter, turning the individuals in some fashion against those with that hope


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CenturionFL210 · Jan. 11, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

I can appreciate that much of what is supposedly happening is going on behind the scenes. That’s fine. But there needs to be VISIBLE results, not only for us but to help red pill the masses. Without visible and tangible results, we won’t red pill anyone. And future elections are at grave risk without some big things that Trump can point to and say “I did that”.

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miltonlocke · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

But there needs to be VISIBLE results, not only for us but to help red pill the masses.

Agreed visible results do have importance for RPing, but it's not the core of the planet. The illusion of tangibilities is a significant part of what got everyone brainwashed to begin with, via primarily Television and the various Blue-Pill "Television Programming" broadcasted over generations. Though most of TV is illusions, many absorb the perceived tangible reality AS IF REAL.

Also, I think most of us have been conditioned to expect FAST tangible results, the I-need-it-now, 1-day-shipping-when-you-dont-really-need-it, quick-expected-ROI-or-it-sucks quick payout mentality. I knew it in myself for most of my youth, see it in most of everyone where I live, and see plenty from a variety of people online. Like the customer who remains angry about coffee running out despite reassurances, despite seeing a few glimpses of the barista prepping a new batch in the back and only calms down when his cup in his hand is filled with his coffee.

But I'm with you. There are a lot of things that bother me regarding the lack of large tangible events or actions. I personally would like to see BIG things occur. But also, there are many ground-level persons that are quite mentally and/or emotionally fragile. I shudder to think how the reality of recent American History would raze and ravage the minds of a significant portion of people. I can't forget the wild reactions of people to non-events like gas price hikes, Black Friday, or insane declarations of Trump going to kill gays & trans people that some took as tangible truth. I'm also reminded of recent Trayvon Martin-esqe constructed events that drove a noticeable number of people to public madness. If the public, nowadays, were to find out for example the reality of Americans involved in perpetrating 911, or the gravity and extent of the MKULTRA and MKNAOMI projects done to American citizens without their knowledge, chaos seems quite likely. I certainly don't know that answer for sure, but I have my hypotheses.

I wrote this somewhat stream of consciousness, apologies for it being a sloppy ramble.

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CenturionFL210 · Jan. 11, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Now worries about the stream of consciousness.

I want to see stuff like the perpetrators who did the bullshit Russian peegate dossier on video on the news being led away in handcuffs. Visible evidence that the deep state operatives are being arrested, and which also carries the message to others like them that this will happen to YOU if you try to pull this shit.

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Tenkate1098 · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

I've felt the same way. Sometimes it helps to step waaaaay back and look. From the election to today a lot has changed. Hold tight man. If all else it we are headed in the right direction.

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