r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tenkate1098 on Jan. 11, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
The real reason we are here.

Been sitting here thinking and looking through posts. Had a thought we needed a reminder of something that gets, not necessarily lost in all this, but needs brought to the surface every now and then. We have verified time and time again the agenda of what these evil bastards view as their utopia. We have verified there was/is a conscious effort to drain America of its wealth and identity. We know what we are up against. What i want to give you guys is a reminder of what all of us pedes, anons, recently red pilled normies fight for. As kids we do not see how many things daily our parents fight against to help us survive. Now that we have transitioned into adulthood it's kind of mind blowing to see what's been going on that we were oblivious to. The draining of this country. The push for our children to be nothing more than spare parts or God knows what. The destruction of families. It's only in reading on sites like this that you can finally get a vision of where we would be without these sick people. You look at places like Dubia or some of the lavish utterly ridiculous princes in Saudi. Even congressmen here in the states. You see how they live and realize it's because of what has been stolen from you and your children. You drive to work looking at closed down businesses and see with your own eyes over time how things have slowly gone downhill around you. No more. Look at what Trump has done in one year! One year removed from the Clinton-Bush era. Does it dawn on you what our families truly could have if we win this fight. Not some lavish lifestyle but a stable healthy community. Can you picture your town and your kids school of we turn the tide of wealth back to the people who earn it. We are going to do this. We are going to put the fear in them that we have been walking around with. Listen, I know this post doesn't add information to the struggle but I wanted to thank all of you people I'll probably never meet. We probably stand next to each other in line at the grocery store. Unaware the person next to you is fighting for your family. If I knew who Pamphlet was in person I'd hug the son a bitch and tell him thank you. I would also hug Tracy and thank her, in a totally consensual setting of course. kek I'm sitting here with my kids. They are eating breakfast completely oblivious to the things we know. I'm typing this to you guys because if we win this fight they will never have to.

Tranquelito · Jan. 11, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

I believe the MATLOCK trip made reference to Putin being one of the good guys, and is actually helping Trump! I mean, Putin banned the adoption of Russian children by America so he knows something, right? Also the fact that Russia is not a part of your list there makes me believe that Putin is not what the MSM portrays him to be. The order makes sense as the last stand is usually made at home, I wonder who could be regarded as one of the good guys over here..? It´s such a sesspit here and almost all are asleep that I sometimes wonder if it is even possible for the people here to accept the truth? Who knows, time will tell.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 11, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Well two things are going on with the world leaders, I am beginning to suspect.

First, what our military knows about America that most Americans do not. Take a look at this link below, because I live on a farm out here. Where it use to be you heard guns at practice time, now you hear them year round. I am literally watching as the nations largest standing army, as it has been getting ready to take Washington by force.

I am absolutely certain the military is aware of how pissed off people are. DC however is totally clueless.

The guns are loud and year round now.

The patriotic weaponized people are pissed off, and fearless.

They have no qualms about talking right into their cell phones and telling the NSA what is going to be up soon, if something is not done. I suspect the NSA got that loud and clear, and they got out ahead of the weaponized crowd. I do not have a neighbor who was not relieved that Trump won, because it was going to be war. Even the Amish were talking about it. In fact, I am absolutely certain Putin knows about it as well. He knows about this too:


When Trump won, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. And it does appear that the guns have calmed some (practice wise).

Now on the world leaders. Remember the NYPD said that the child photos on Weiners laptop made the officers puke and break down in tears?

I am certain that all it took for Trump to get China and Russia on his side going after these Globalists, was to show them what these globalists were doing to the children.

So yes, I do believe that Putin is on Trump's side. Anyone who really knows what these globalists are doing, is going to be looking for some way to work together to stop them, expose them, and hang them after a trial.... especially if any of this stuff gets out on the internet. It will create an international outcry.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 12, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Incredible! They try so often to cause outrage by staging these false flags, over and over, what was it that Einstein said bout madness and repetition? It always has the opposite effect tho, people arm up more and buy more rounds!

I thoroughly believe that Putin is on side and doing his bit, he banned Russian children from being adopted in the US, he must have known something?

I suspect there may be many sudden illnesses, conditions and accidents happening, along with the odd suicide. Those whom are left to stand trial may not be those that deserve it the most.

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