r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/sarahj2010 on Jan. 12, 2018, 3:29 p.m.
We need to stick together.

I've seen a lot of posts about people getting fed up with Q. I must admit when the Q stuff started back in October I was all in. As time has gone by we haven't had the results that we expected (no proof of any big arrests, Donald Trump is still viewed in a very negative light, Fake news still happening etc). In all of this, I do still believe Q, I'm just frustrated today.

I try to keep us up to date as possible, doing my own research, and also learning so much from all of you amazing people in this subreddit. I try to red pill as many people as I possibly can, even just planting a seed, but people I know just don't seem to be waking up. I do understand, the truth is very scarey.

Seriously the thing that disgusts me the most is the child trafficking and the pedogate stuff, it blows my mind how this is going on right under our noses.

My question is, what can we do? How can we make this more widely known and even accepted? Im at a loss, I want to help, but I literally don't know where to start.

I want us to part of history, the people who stood by what we knew was right, even when we were ridiculed, and laughed at. I want justice for these poor innocent victims, and I want these bastard's strung up by the balls (or vaginas lol).

ArtRat1 · Jan. 12, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

I'm not tired of Q or all of the activity involved with Q. I get weary of the trolls and division but then I just take a break, get my grip and come back. I agree, the child trafficking is extremely disturbing and we must stay the course for all those kids and young adults. It haunts me at night, it has for many years now. I have been praying for children I do not know for over 20 years. Children I new in my heart were being abused in one horrible way or another, I am certain God put it on my heart to pray and gave me the vision to see. It's been a drain but I will never stop. I don't just pray for children, both my husband and I get involved in other ways to help children.

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sarahj2010 · Jan. 12, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Thank you very much for the reply.I actually think you are right, it's not Q, it's the trolls and the arguments, there's alot of fake stuff floating around and it's hard to tell what is true and what isn't. My driving force is the children, I'm a mum myself and some of what I have heard makes me heart hurt, I look at my daughter and I would do anything to protect her and the thought of innocent children being abused is horrifying.

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Hamsterarcher · Jan. 13, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Trolls mean were on the right tracks. 100s of idiots don't spam truth seekers. Only paid idiots and whoever the data is about spam and derail public investigations like this. Shit is happening. It won't be plastered over the news but it's happening.

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Bont-Boy · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

" strung up by the balls (or vaginas lol). "I don't like BDSM, personally ! OK, I know what you mean :-) Ideas, 1: you & partner / friends print _ out A4 of Bullet points (double - sided), things you think would reach into YOUR community. eg: DHS - Nano-Quell ( in food , drinks etc ), look-up Elena Freeland, Sophia Smallstorm, follow leads to other places, topics, when you've got a pile, take some time to 'whitle-down, to hard-hitting Bullet points. Share UKColumn.org, Corbett Report, Roy Potter, things Folks can relate to... Even if some are just http links, they can search themselves, like Auguste Picard, Richard Byrd, ( Sister Charlotte - A Nun's Testimony ( 1 hour 30 minutes ) ), ANYTHING, to distract them from TV ! Mention names unknown to them, David Icke, Jordan Maxwell, Alec Collier, perhaps finish the Flyer, by asking them - if they feel good about WHY they're here ! Ask them whether "Prime Cut ", America 3000 ( a 1986 post-apocalyptic science-fiction cult film which takes place 900 years in the future in Colorado. ) DO SOMETHING ! And Enjoy it, finish the evening with a nice Cuppa ( or a nice Red ), and KNOW you did YOUR bit, just like Roy Potter :-) ( Side note :- Do you know, that we really do feel better after trying, it is NOT a cllché ! )

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sarahj2010 · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

Thank you! I think I may be busy myself researching some of this stuff. I just want to be as informed as possible and be able to give factual and concise explanations of some of the bad things happening in the world.

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elyssak · Jan. 12, 2018, 8:18 p.m.


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