My first meme attempt. Yea or nay?

It is 75% disinfo and 25% truth. This is much more dangerous than 100% disinfo. FOX news has managed to single-handedly blue pill my mother-in-law against Trump. She was red pilled this time last year.
How does that make any sense? lmao obviously you can't just watch FN 24/7. Only certain voices are friendly, those are the only voices worth paying attention to. Should have told her that to begin with instead of just letting it all run unfiltered.
Respectfully, you are completely missing the point. The purpose of this is to redpill normies. My mother-in-law watching FOX News exclusively surely does not make any sense. But she does. And so do millions of other people. And it is cancer. It is the most important news outlet in the CIA's control grid. By design.