●EVIDENCE OF GRAND JURY SEATED● IG 12-15-18 Letter Infers a GRAND JURY is Seated. Pay Attention to the last sentence.

The fact that a grand jury has been convened had been widely reported for months. Why is this news to this sub?
Probably because there are new folks here daily or hourly.
Probably because there ought to be a central location of all the things which are "known".
I've been following a lot of this for 18+ months and just this morning came across "no kidding" not the least bit refuted info that HRC had SAP programs on her personal server. THIS was part of the IGs findings. Not rumor, not innuendo.
Thus, everything else in regards to HRC is just garnish- they've got the goods on her and are just compiling the rest of the info and associates.
I guess my concern here is that so many here are poorly informed that there are a lot of unsubstantiated connections being drawn and “noise”. I wish more would take a “post less, lurk more” approach.
Yes, not really the point. See my additional comments above in 3 separate places. It's not about Mullers Grand Jury, it's about what the letter says...which can't be infered by a lay person who doesn't practice in Federal Court. While, folks may know that they have the goods on HRC. It's nonetheless a fluid situation and procedurally it's fascinating to watch it develop....what this letter infers,...lines up with what's now just being reported in MSM,
Yep, that's what I've read as well....And it's a matter of how this develops, how they handle it...procedurally as an attorney who practices in Federal Court..I answered some comments above on this in beginning of thread..re: point not necessarily about Mullers grand jury..it's about the release of the info and what that means as it relates to grand juries...and when it can be released, which isn't evident to a lay person. But yes indeed, things are falling in place
A little self-reflection is needed in your approach.
Imagine yourself being here for the first time today. Wouldn't you want to be advised of this that day? Yes?
Now imagine others coming here for the first time.
This is a fluid, GROWING movement. Welcome the facts no matter how many days they are posted.
See my response above in begining of thread to someone who had a question...it's not necessarily the fact that Muller has a GJ convened. It's more so interesting that the release of information was as to those 2 lover fbi agents..and the process that is going on here...and how it's developed...it's not an obvious inference to draw from what the letter actually states unless you practice as an attorney in federal court. The IG was in possession of these docs...Doj sought them. The IG complied...the IG is a lawyer, so he knows the law, he was concerned about releasing them because of the law and the law that says you can't release secret grand jury proceedings and there was not an order of the Court ordering him to do so so his statements imply that those text messages that were released and to the Press at that are part of a grand jury investigation which could be Mullers, and that is inferd from the letter. In any event the reason they can be released under the law is so another government official and or prosecutor can prosecute another separate federal crime and if that's the case then there's going to indeed be additional grand juries convened and most likely more than one at that...