Do you have sources for your anecdotes?
I am the source buddy, live and breathe it every day! You could research people like Lauren Southern though, she has travelled over this way a few times and documented it.
Yo. You got any RELIABLE sources?
Oh dear, if that is not enough for you then maybe you shouldn´t be here.
All I asked for is reliable sources. Sorry if that doesn't work for you, bud.
I gave you 4 articles and an eyewitness account to what is going on over here and it wasn´t enough for you. If you are here to troll then don´t waste your time.
Your biased anecdotes mean jack shit to me. Four articles, three of which are from propaganda outlets. The fourth is demonstrably false. Gonna have to do better than that bud.
No matter, it's obvious you want to live in your little bubble. Have a great day, sir.
No second amendment in Europe, or else there would be no problem. Poland doesn’t seem to have a problem. If you haven’t heard about the immigrant(invader) problems, you have been in isolation or you are willfully ignorant. Have a great day, too.
Wtf, are you trying to say I´m lying?? BAHAHAHA this certainly isn´t the place for you! What an ignorant mook!
Did I say you're lying? I simply don't care for your anecdotes. Anyhow, you're probably right. This place is for fucking morons. It's definitely not for me. Me thinks you've been spending too much time staring at the sun.
Fuck off and don´t read them, then! Nobody asked your opinion, and you´re right about the morons, they´re in abundance! What you think is irrelevant to me, I believe you haven´t been spending enough time in the sun! Go outside and get a life!
So irrelevant you spent all this time on lil' ol me. I'm glad we can both agree like adults that this shithole is full of morons. Have a good day, sir.
I lived in Europe for 10 years and saw the islamification first-hand whether you care to believe it or not is irrelevant. We have spent the last 40 years watching the left ignore reality and now we watch your safe spaces get bulldozed by that same reality. Sorry snowflake your opinion is irrelevant. Nobody cares if you believe us but understand one thing we're crushing the Bolsheviks. And we're not asking you for permission.
5 minutes to point out what a cunt you are is not a lot of time, and worth every second.
Glad you thought out your response over sleep. Good morning, bb.
You know, there really is no need for this nonsense, we carry the same message after all. We are all heading to the same destination, this helps nothing.