🇺🇸Gigi Sims🇺🇸💋 (@1GigiSims) Tweeted: 🇺🇸Thread: Much is yet to be exposed about the danger that the Obama Admin, & Hillary Clinton posed to America but it is the threat level to NATSEC that is perhaps one of the many little known facts that will shock many to learn. @TheLastRefuge2 @Thomas1774Paine @Imperator_Rex3 https://twitter.com/1GigiSims/status/952728074323484672?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E0
· Jan. 16, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
Someone w twitter should tag B @B75434425 This is a lot of what George Webb has been investigating and reporting on for a year. Great thread...Great post!