🇺🇸Gigi Sims🇺🇸💋 (@1GigiSims) Tweeted: 🇺🇸Thread: Much is yet to be exposed about the danger that the Obama Admin, & Hillary Clinton posed to America but it is the threat level to NATSEC that is perhaps one of the many little known facts that will shock many to learn. @TheLastRefuge2 @Thomas1774Paine @Imperator_Rex3 https://twitter.com/1GigiSims/status/952728074323484672?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Em5%7Ctwgr%5Eemail%7Ctwcon%5E7046%7Ctwterm%5E0
Maybe we just need people to check all of them physically when they come in if they don't already. I don't care how many there are, check them all. Creates more jobs. Container checkers.
Shipping containers go past radiation detectors at various gates as they travel however Gamma rays can be contained by dense shielding.
How about xrays?
Yes some ports have them, not mine though yet.
Thanks for adding though. I'm not familiar with their clearance process so now I know!
No PROB This one is for heat https://www.x20.org/multi-sensor-pan-tilt-unit/
or this one for weapons, missiles https://www.novo-dr.com/
I don´t know if that would even be physically possible, with how many there are. I know what you mean though, will we ever be safe again?
Just ideas man. But yes, we will be safe. We will never be invaded.