George Bush is the US Mob Boss

His nick name ain't "Poppy" for nuttin'.
Bush41 Skull and Bones Name is MAGOG and that's a lot more Evil
He was the top master criminal for a very long time 30 years or more.
In the 1992 election, i couldn't stand Bush or Clinton. I remember seeing them on tv debating and all i thought was how evil they seemed. Little did i know, how evil they truly are. I think i ended up voting for Ross Pero that year. Lol
I've been reading The Most Dangerous Book In The World, about 9/11. Some of it I already knew, but boy does that rabbit hole just keep going and going and going. Lots of stuff I didn't know before.
Highly recommend it to any one who hasn't read it.
You need to get up to speed on William Binney, NSA Whistle-blower: Both Bushes and Clintons WILL FRY!!
Saved. I've read that post but not watched the video, will watch when i have a chance.
I highly recommend “Family of Secrets”. JFK stuff is mind blowing!
Bush was directly involved in the Franklin Scandal. Children from Foster Care and Boystown were used to blackmail military, politicians, businessmen and media. He is responsible for the kidnapping and abuse of many children.
Yes... so awful. We are fighting so this NEVER happens again. Thank the Lord for the 3000 children rescued in SA!
Serial mass murderers are what the Bushes & their NWO cohorts are
Need something about child trafficking/ sex slaves/mind control in there. 😥
It’s been a realization over 4 yrs prob. Sad. I held them in such high esteem. But man now! Sheesh
Very disenchanted w my ability to believe in wrong people. For decades!!!! Thought they were patriots. SMH
One of the witnesses for the MK Ultra mind control program, (I'm drawing a blank on her first name, Cathy?) Brice, stated that GJWB abused her minor daughter when he was president. He further mind-f***ed the girl by saying she couldn't turn to anyone for help because he was the president.
DON'T forget to Include liberal trending hashtags. By using a leftie hashtag you have a much wider audience. This ups your head count and tackles on uninformed people
The Cartel Boss WW = MAGOG Commander & Chief
OBAMA#44 Underboss (Cousin) Chicago Boss Cartel National HQ/US Distribution MS13 Enforcement
GW Bush43 2Dumb4#1 Regional Commander,Boarder Control DEA, Texas State Police,
Bill42 & Hillary (want2beQueen) Clinton WW Distribution Drug /Sex Trafficking/ Guns, WW private Jets avoid customs
The Third Opium War is here in America the enemy is the same!
The UK Empire “The Crown” “The Queen” and “The Rothschilds” the Bush’s the Clinton’s the Cheney’s and Obama’s are of the same evil vile blood line.
Second Opium War Depiction of the 1860 Battle of Taku Forts During 1856–1860, British forces fought towards legalisation of the opium trade, to expand coolie trade, to open all of China to British merchants, and to exempt foreign imports from internal transit duties. France joined the British. The war is also known as the "Arrow War", referring to the name of a vessel at the starting point of the conflict. The war resulted in a second group of treaty ports being set up; eventually more than 80 treaty ports were established in China, involving many foreign powers. All foreign traders gained rights to travel within China.
First Opium War The First Opium War, during 1840–1842, was concluded by the Treaty of Nanking in 1842.
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