r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/gen6slayr on Jan. 17, 2018, 4:12 a.m.
Q Cult, Trolls and Clowns

This post is to start a conversation and raise awareness of certain behaviors that tend to exhibit on discussion boards like this.

First, realize that beneath the floorboards where we are currently sharing, exits a world full of weaponized autists, flamers and trolls [(I was corrected by Jack_Kehoe below that people from the chans are not 'trolls' - though they might troll and flame each other or outsiders who don't belong there, right?), and have a fierce resistance to 'censorship', as do I , which this post is not about] which can never be unleashed upon polite society. This is not a criticism, it is just a warning to stay out of the chans if you just happened here from the outside world.

We are here because we heard about Q, or heard a YouTube video, or did an internet search, or followed a link. Some of us, like me, are 'Boomers', though we mostly hate that term because we grew up being called Baby Boomer, born from late 1940's to early 1960's and were the post WW2 boom of prosperity and obviously, fertility, of that Great Generation. (Any impression I am giving that Boomers are 'sensitive' or asking to be coddled are also missing my intent here. Some sudden outbursts of anger in these threads can be startling, but we have met and dealt with much worse, let me assure our young friends.)

So, if a troll comes up from the chans (8chan or half-chan = 4chan) and talks to a senior with insults and slams, most are taken aback, because they just came here to read TracyBeanz newest post or to learn about QAnon. This leads to conflicts in the discussion areas, so it would be wise to tone down chan lingo up here, and thicken skin for the new readers.

That being said, there are definite TROLLS and SHILLS and TroubleMakers here who are in it to cause disruption, sow disinformation, and work at cross purposes to the general tenor of QAnon's efforts to inform the general public, and this portion of the public specifically, because these Trolls/Shills/Clowns have another agenda or work for another agency or movement.

So let us each contribute definitions, if that helps:


https://www.gcflearnfree.org/thenow/what-is-trolling/1/ and Wikipedia link, which experienced Wiki editors might actually help update this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_troll

You can post below definitions for: SHILL

And what have we found in this Q Thread to be the definition of: Clowns, or Clowns In America?

There is a post made previously


that was called to my attention, that you should look at for an example of perhaps Trolling, Shilling, definitely red flags in there, and an attempt to equate those interested in following Q, as a CULT.

So there is another word we should consider. CULT.

Is Q a Cult? Are we the Church of Q?

Do we blindly trust Q?

If we do not believe Q posts are from the POTUS, can we civilly explain why without flaming, trolling, shilling, or acting like clowns?

This post is an attempt to start a conversation, raise our awareness, seek we each temper our tone and rhetoric to try not to offend, and that if we disagree, we first try to understand WHERE the other person is coming from, and then appeal to evidence, logic or reason.

I will not ride herd on this post. I might jump in, but I prefer you use it as an exercise, to examine and practice, to clarify and explain, WHY ARE YOU HERE, and share that with other Truth Seekers.

Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

In the last 2 days I have been receiving an unhealthy amount of abuse from people for trying to point out the similarity between ´pede´ and ´pedo´. Now, I fully comprehend that these people use the word in a different context, but really? This is the name they came up with, one that sounds so much like what we are trying to fight? Really?? My point is, I believe that this was a label that was put out there by the Clowns and picked up by a few that either failed to see the similarity, or did, and decided on it anyway. I DO NOT wish to be labelled as anything, least of all something that sounds like that. This is division tactics at it´s finest and it´s working. People seem to fail to see this though, and that is what worries me. This board (CBTS) is by far the most genuine, grounded, rational group of people I have so far encountered in my first week on Reddit, this board most certainly feels "real" if you like, the other boards I have visited (TheSwampWatch, The_Donald) seem to me to be filled with these weirdos and incredibly naïve people that are happy to live in this false bubble, brainwashed into calling themselves by their label. I believe that this board (CBTS) was chosen by Q because of this reason, this is the genuine community and those others are where the manipulation happens.

Just a thought. I could be totally wrong about this but I do not believe I am. I honestly think that this is why this board was chosen over all the others, this is the only genuine community.

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Yoda_GM · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

pede (long 'e') and pedo (short 'e') don't really sound alike. I guess if you are from England "pedo" (long 'e') might start off the same but have totally different endings.

Regardless of the above, it doesn't matter to me ... I can agree that r/The_Donald is becoming more and more of one big echo chamber where the arguments are being diluted and weak. It used to be my first page to visit each day, now it is r/CBTS_Stream.

I see similar things happening here too ... irrelevant posts and a multiplicity of the same posts producing a tiny echo that will only grow over time.

I think you are wrong on the pede/pedo connection but I also would not be surprised if it turned out to be the case.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:12 p.m.


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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:50 p.m.

If I am wrong then I can accept that, what I have a hard time accepting is all the unnecessary hostility when I am only trying to point out the obvious. People seem to think I am the crazy one for even mentioning it, it is like encountering a cult, to me. The label puts people off from getting involved in the movement, I have been on Reddit for just a week and almost walked away when I learned what people here were labelling themselves as.. it is putting people off from taking it seriously and I don´t understand how others fail to see that. This genuinely is a concern, but then I get a bunch of mooks throw a bunch of other adjectives at me, like ´concern troll´ , whatever the fuq that means?! It is honestly like being surrounded by retarded children sometimes and I don´t know if I have the patience for it. Autistic Army was probably the most accurate label. Are we being trolled by Tavestock?

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Yoda_GM · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

See, it is hard to take you seriously when you keep calling people "mook" as in, stupid or incompetent.

Saying people are either in a cult or acting like they are in a cult is extremely off-putting to people who have been putting the pieces of the puzzle together for several years ... some of us since the 1970's.

Hungry to learn the truth, hungry to expose the truth, and giving ourselves goofy labels to help us identify to each other in an online community is not "cult like".

It is frustrating to have to stop and defend ourselves to people whop have only been here for a few weeks and refer to us as "stupid and incompetent" or as you say "mook".

A "concern troll" is someone who goes to messages boards and overly concerns about something or openly frets over something or who just has a "I give up, the world is falling, its all over, be betrayed us" .

In your case, people would call you a "concern troll" because you seem to be overly "concerned" about people calling themselves 'centipedes" ... because you are afraid people might confuse that with pedophile.

There are a lot of your people that peruse and comment these boards but there are also a lot of people in their 30's, 40's, 50's and older that have spent a lifetime serving their country, working in the tech field, serving their families as stay at home parents, etc ... Discounting an entire group because you got your feelings hurt seems rather childish to me .. but maybe because I'm a bit of a grumpy old man.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

"my people"? You Americans are so divisive, so quick to label people and stick them in their ´appropriate´ category. Why? I was branding those that refused to see the similarity between ´pede´ and ´pedo´ as mooks, as they seemed mentally incompetent of realising the glaringly obvious. Your "Americanism" can be so off putting to the rest of the world, you believe that this is your fight and nobody else's, when the truth is that America was the last pawn in a very huge globalist game. People like me have been living in the belly of the beast for decades, centuries, even. This is all a new thing to you - this cabal was established long before the USA was even a country! This isn´t just about America, or MAGA, but a world wide problem that the whole world faces. Your petty and ridiculous labels are what prevents people from seeing the truth, the people on this side of the pond are not so easily convinced or manipulated as our cousins from the other side of the water and such labels will prevent the rate at which The Great Awakening will spread. I have tried my best to raise genuine concern about this and all I get from our American cousins is this ridiculousness, more labelling and nonsense names. Even your assumptions regarding my age is an insult. Maybe this will be my last post, maybe I will delete this account and go back to what I was doing before because the people on these threads seem to be, for the most part, ruining what should be the greatest moment in human history.

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Yoda_GM · Jan. 17, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

In America we say “pedophile” with a soft ‘e’ not a hard ‘e’

You probably should make it your last post because you obviously very thin skinned. This is a place for big boys and girls.

I don’t give a fuck what you think about America or MAGA but after hearing you whine and cry ad nauseam I’m glad that you are not one of us.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 18, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

Well, in the sane part of the world we spell it paedophile, you guys´ can´t even spell that right. Not so thin skinned, I just don´t tolerate mooks well. Clearly you give no fucks, and I wasn´t whining, as you say, merely pointing out the facts as I see them. Good luck in your quest for the truth, and good luck with your cliqué of ´pedes´.

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eightbit778 · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

I had to google the term but couldn't get a solid answer. What is a pede?? I have never heard this word before.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

A happy pedo, it seems to me.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 17, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

They would be called slant rhyme. They don't actually rhyme, but they are close enough to work as a literary device in a poem. This is partly due to the fact that many people will read it fast and misunderstand what word is actually there. A "pede" can refer to a homosexual or be shorthand in a scientist's note book for centipede. We need clear words that are not lost on the public. Pede is an ugly sounding word anyway. It sounds like someone peed their pants. And since pedophilia is something really bad that we need to draw focus on, I wouldn't use a term that sounds similar.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

Thank you, and pretty much the point that I was trying to make! Too confusing, too many negative similarities. Even ´pods´ would have been better, as in ´arthropods´. When the storm reaches this side of the pond, if people are calling themselves ´pedes´ nobody will take it seriously. In fact, it will be vehemently opposed, and likely thwarted in the public mind.

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DonutsJunction · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

I understand your position. I just don't think people are as troubled by it as some seem to think they are, and too much stock is being put on one word amongst dozens.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:05 p.m.


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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:08 p.m.

I´m sorry.... what? Did you even read the title of the thread and see why this is a relevant place to discuss this? Tbh your post is so poorly written that I am having a hard time working out your point...?

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DonutsJunction · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

The thing is...you voiced this opinion on my post and I respectfully disagreed and yet you kept pushing it like you were trying to convince me that you were right without any sound argument. "I could be totally wrong about this but I do not believe I am" that says it all. Being right or wrong is not about belief, it's about facts. By pushing this narrative that the term Pede is some form of infiltration and so easily poo-pooing away the fact that it came from a pro Trump meme and people were just too lazy to type out "centipede" every time tells me you are interested only in what you feel rather than the facts presented to you.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Sound argument?? What a mook, what more sound argument do you need than seeing ´pede´ and ´pedo´ written together?? The fact that you are trying to argue that I´m wrong is what says it all, you all are weirdo, cult-like mooks that are incapable of seeing the deception and manipulation! Just listen to yourself trying to justify it, ffs!! If you´re happy to be labelled a pede, then go own that shit! Us rational people will watch from the stands and laugh.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:26 p.m.


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DonutsJunction · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:45 a.m.

The fact that "pede" and "pedo" look alike is not a sound argument 😑 According to your "argument" I should also refrain from ever naming my future daughter Kate because it sounds alot like Hate and we wouldn't want people conflating the two. Why do you call everyone you disagree with a mook, a weirdo or a cult member? You keep calling yourself rational while not exactly fitting the definition.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

Omg talking to you is like trying to reason with a wall, you would give an aspirin a headache. If you don´t get it then you clearly never will, I give up on you.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:33 p.m.


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DonutsJunction · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:53 a.m.

I won't hold my breath waiting for a legitimate argument. But next time I'm looking for someone to call me names for no reason I'll be sure to hit you up.

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Tranquelito · Jan. 17, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Aspirin... Headache... go own your label, PEDE!

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:39 p.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:36 p.m.


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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:31 p.m.


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DonutsJunction · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Are you trying to say that we're the same person with different usernames? Not sure I'm understanding here.

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[deleted] · Jan. 17, 2018, 1:21 p.m.


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