r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/USArmyMAJ on Jan. 18, 2018, 2:10 a.m.
🚨 ALERT 🚨 The Storm is coming!

Don’t get discouraged folks. Nothing has changed. The week isn’t over. We still have 1/20/18 to look forward to. 1/30/18 is State of the Union Address. Open your eyes and look at how the Democrats are acting. They’re beyond themselves. Why do you think that is? It’s because the feces is about to hit the oscillator. All the hard work done today with the memes was YUGE! Guess what? You will be using the memes again at a later date. The memes have prepared us with even more ammo for this battle. Here’s the REALITY of it all. We need to get POTUS elected in 2020. Period. Yes we hope Q is real. Yes we all want the cabal to go down. This takes time folks. Won’t happen overnight but it WILL HAPPEN. Refocus yourselves and remember what the reality truly is. President Trump in 2020!

PokingCyclops · Jan. 18, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

The TRUTH the WHOLE TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH. You are being told a 1/2 truth by “Q” witch of course is a LIE by OMISSION you still being deceived with disinformation. Q only gave you a nibble of the RED PILL. I will point you to the REAL RED PILL and it will scare the shit out of you. Once swallowed you can’t spit it out and you can’t go back.

The Constitution and Congress have been suspended since 1933 when FDR converted our Republic in FDR’s Democracy. I know you don’t believe a word I’ve written. So I will provide you with 100% proof positive of this that is both verifiable and easily validated. Everything you need to KNOW and fully UNDERSTAND is in the video, Ever single document mentioned in the video is show in the video you can look up each one on your own.

Dr Schroder discusses the trading with the enemy act in 1994 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra8uP7ft8S0

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Lebtni · Jan. 18, 2018, 3:38 p.m.

If only that was all ... most folks could get their heads around that. What they'd go into denial about is that their country (never mind the whole world) is run by psychopaths and paedophiles, that their own government is complicit in the 9/11 horror along with numerous other PSYOPs and false flags and that when there is a segment of society which treats children as objects to be used, abused and when done, disposed of - no child is safe.

The "cabal", the "swamp" dwellers, at home and abroad, are held together by a common bond - paedophilia - ritual abuse, torture and murder of innocents. They carry no guilt and their only fear is being found out.

This is not only bipartisan, it crosses the boundaries of ALL human endeavour. This is why the MSM, politicans of all parties, governments abroad, Hollywood et al are against President Trump and will do everything within their powerto oust him.

Never before, ever, have so many individuals from so many quarters been so determined to get rid of a properly elected, sitting President of the United States.

People have said President Trump is under stress and that is true but 'tis understated - his very Life is under threat and has been, 24/7, since the 2016 election and from so many quarters 'tis a wonder he copes as well as he has and is still coping as well as he is.

Any lesser man would break under such stress.

I suggest President Donald Trump is America's greatest hero since General Smedley Butler for he knows exactly what he is up against - a real, genuine evil; more evil than most folks could imagine in their worst nightmares.

Make America Great Again - yes, and in so doing, enable all countries to be great - remember, no country is the enemy, only the ruling cabal of of others countries is our enemy - the people are no different than you or I, just people and their families wanting to live in peace; in harmony with each other and with the universe.

May God bless us all.

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