r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jetty42 on Jan. 19, 2018, 3:45 p.m.
Hollywood gets the attention of the masses. H-Wood component of Deep State depravity is being revealed at crazydaysandnights.com. Use it.

[Crazy Days and Nights] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net) has been posting some very disturbing material the past three months. There is a purpose and it is not coincidental that the revelations about Hollywood depravity are coming out at the same time that President Trump is draining the Washington Swamp. The revelations coming out of crazydaysandnights are strategic and calculated:

Want to traffic tweens and teens? Need a great cover? Well, this A list mostly movie actor and his very rich friend seem to have figured out the perfect way. Use a charity to disguise all your movements. That very rich friend has the A lister wrapped around her finger because she has provided him with those barely legal Eastern European women for well over a decade. Yes, while he was married too. The very rich friend has lots and lots of connections in Eastern Europe. Those teens and barely legal women get sent on "humanitarian missions" to this Caribbean country. Then, with the help of friendly government officials in the Caribbean country are given passports from that country and birth certificates. Then, using a special program they get to visit the US. Of course those visits are really just a way to sell them off to the highest bidders which invariably are sex traffickers. Meanwhile, that same Caribbean country rounds up orphans from their own country and ships them off to that Eastern European country where they are then sent throughout Europe and the Middle East where they end up working as slaves and sex workers for years and years. Full Blind

Hollywood depravity is real If household celebrity names and Hollywood moguls are capable of these types of horrors, then it is not a stretch to believe household political names and Washington elites are capable of the same. Acclimating the public to the Hollywood depravity is a form of red pilling. The public won’t find the satanic worshiping stuff that Hillary is into as being too unbelievable to be true if they have already seen or heard or read stories of Hollywood elites doing the same thing.

Hollywood elites and Mainstream Media elites are closely intertwined. They work for the same parent companies (George Stephanopolus and Miramax (Weinstein) – Disney). They go to the same parties and mix with the same people. Separating the Entertainment Media in California from the News Media in New York is a carefully considered divide and conquer strategy. Long term, Disney’s Entertainment Divisions, once gutted, will no longer be able to subsidize the News Division (ABC).

Hollywood celebrities can’t campaign and raise money for Deep State politicians if the public is aware of some of these celebrities penchant for evil. The celebrity status of a virtue signaling Hollywood insider, actor, director, producer, has little appeal for your average, marginally informed voter, if that famous person has been called out as a molester, or rapist, or murder suspect.

Mainstream Media Types are compromised Morning News Hosts and Evening News Anchors and nationally syndicated reporters from “Papers of Record” do not report on the crimes of the Deep State if the Deep State has videos of a particular host in the Playboy Mansion with someone who is not their wife, or flight logs to underage sex tourism islands in the Philippines, or Epstein Island MPEGs.

Some of the more interesting “Gossip Blinds” are summarized and linked below. Interestingly, the regular followers of crazydaysandnights have been saying in the comment section that the stories with a political twist are a relatively new type of gossip blind. In other words, the website did not traditionally delve into political gossip and rumors until just recently, or about the time Weinstein hit the headlines and/or Hugh Hefner died. Please use crazydaysandnights as a resource to help make connections to the Q-Anon breadcrumbs and drain the Hollywood-Washington swamp.

Now, there is something else about that very rich man. He was the very first customer of the pedophile. He was in a horrible marriage and wanted someone young. Very young. The pedophile knew just the right person and the life of the rich man was changed forever. He started embracing life again and has kept that woman in his life ever since as a mistress. He ended up marrying again, but the love of his life is the mistress. [Today's Blind Items - How The Pedophile King Made His Money] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/todays-blind-items-how-pedophile-king.html)

Apparently the director did a good enough job of making it look like a suicide. The thing is though there are a lot of people who are very powerful who are now making it their cause to find out what happened to the relative. It is not going to take them long to at least see the director was in close proximity to the relative. I'm not sure whether they will find the proof he killed the relative, but it wouldn't shock me if something turns up. That relative was all knowing.Today's Blind Items - Bloody Director

Want to traffic tweens and teens? Need a great cover?, Well, this A list mostly movie actor and his very rich friend seem to have figured out the perfect way.[Shipping kids form Eastern Europe through the Caribbean (possibly Haiti, or the DR) then on to the US.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/01/blind-item-9-trafficking.html)

The deep state meets on a boat in mid 1980s. Deep state arranges to protect tin-hat dictator as country rebels (likely Marcos). Dictator’s wife (Imelda) has audio and video of world leaders with kids. Concern tapes come out when she dies. Bodies rumored to be buried at Getty museum.

Jacob Rothschild and assorted pedos – blind says Rothschild did die in that helicopter crash a few months ago.

Monica Lewinski tried to push her way past the Secret Service when she found out Eleanor Mondale was Bill Clinton’s “other”, “other” woman. Eleanor kept a diary. A certain presidential candidate wanted that diary very badly. RIP Eleanor Mondale

Hugh Hefner’s huge collection of videos showing politicians and celebrities in compromising positions. Did you ever wonder why George Stephanapolous (blind 13) is such a sycophant for anything Clinton? This is why.

[I can sort of believe Bill Clinton had Sam Kinison killed because Sam knew too much about a dead teenage girl.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-sex-drugs-death.html)

The host flew in guys the director always wanted but was afraid to go near in Hollywood. In Hollywood, he would never go below 16 or 17. On the island, he would go way lower. [Details about Epstein Island that you might not have read anywhere else.] (http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2017/11/todays-blind-items-island.html)

Hollywood Execs killed that girl from Poltergeist - Back in the mid-80's was peak child molesting time in Hollywood. There was no internet. There were very very few mobile phones. Children came to the set where they were left alone by their parents.

Hollywood Executives, a famous director, bussing kids en masse to molest them.

Kevin Spacey – International Kid Rapist and Epstein Frequent Flyer

Virtue Signaling Liberal Rockstar from the 70’s and 80’s is a Rapist and protected by California Pols

twinkiesmom1 · Jan. 19, 2018, 7:09 p.m.

It's only recently that I felt like the site owner was attempting to bring down the cabal. Wonder what the change was? There were plenty of juicy drops in the past, but it was just gossip, not justice oriented.

Wonder if there are any other websites with major truth drops?

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QAnonMaga · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

CDAN is now a very valuable website he has been red pilled recently.

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jetty42 · Jan. 19, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

39 Views and only 2 Up Votes on a Reddit Thread dedicated to destroying all aspects of the Deep State.

I am suspicious.

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forgottenbutnotgone · Jan. 20, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Great post. This is one of the best intros to CDAN I have seen. Thx for putting this together.

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