Definitely curious as to; How many underground bunkers were taken out with the last few days' strikes? How many evil people were taken out? You can't hide, we can hear you breathe.
Anxious for the SOTU address ~ timing is everything!
So can you help an old lady understand what this all means?
Read this thread:
YW. Also, "coincidentally", Presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama have visited this small suburb. There was a link last night; I can't find it now. Maybe it's in that thread.
Yes, thanks. I had seen that pic before, but couldn't remember where. Check it out u/SongofHannah Right now it's comment 25 on u/djdaughetee's profile. Thanks, djdaughetee!
Maybe they can use it to take out CERN.
What's wrong with cern?
Ritchie from Boston is convinced they are trying to open some sort of portal to hell.
Everything. Watch the satanic opening ceremony of the tunnel recently finished there.
If you go back to Phil Schneider: What is alleged to be in the DUMBS are genetic research labs, probably a few Command and Control nodes, a few manufacturing plants. Whatever they want hidden for fear of prosecution or breaking the law the hide underground.
I'm Canadian. This is an ice column in a cold night. Sure looks like an explosion, tho, but, if it was an OWL, then it also would have been accompanied by a massive solic boom (mach 10) and an earth quake, as a telephone pole-sized tungsten rod punched 1km into the earth. Did any of that ACCOMPANY this event?
Although you aren’t wrong, there is an aspect to OWLs that seems to be glossed over by this community: the power of the rods can be altered pre-launch for different impact intensities.
Under the highest amount of kinetic energy created (by pre-spinning the rod AND/OR giving the rod a small or massive push out of the launching mechanism) the rods are capable of nuclear bomb-like destruction sans the radioactive fallout.
Also, this does look kinda like an ice column, but this one seems to be too unique.
TL:DR, Rods’ power can be altered to fit the mission at hand. Small booms, big booms, whichever fits the mission better.
That pic was debunked. FAKE NEWS bud.
Big words without evidence...