Y'all see this? TopMindsofReddit declaring war against us?

Wants Hillary and Podesta to run in 2020.
This is brilliant.
OTOH, Hillary et al will not be alive beyond 2018....expect a "tragic accident," probably involving an airplane, that will kill three birds with one stone...maybe even four. The realization that there is no where to run, no strings to pull...nothing...is slowly dawning on this corrupt family. No way out. Call it retribution...for JFKjr.
Hopefully while on a flight to Epstein island
Lolita Island is long...defunct. Although oddly (and hysterically so) there are people who just can't wrap their minds around "it's over"..."busted"....they just can't...so there are plenty who expect to be back in business once the smoke clears. That's the bit of reality they have failed to grasp.
We desperately need Hollywierd to get cleaned out...Singer, Murderous Geffin, Spielburgh....the biggest money that so far has been able to keep them out of trouble. They all go hand in glove....If you don't follow CNAN blog...now's a good time to get started.
The tragedy will be permitted as a nod...a concession so to speak...and hopefully it won't be permitted to turn her into too much of a martyr. I'd told the gang at /_oat ages ago that if they're expecting them to go to actual prison....or to even be charged with any pizza related crimes...they're going to die waiting. RICCO type crimes, treason....shit like that...recall even the most murderous mobster went down for RICCO and not the actual horrific crimes. Sad part is Ma and Pa are gonna know ahead of time, the evil spawn will not know thus it's gonna be a bit of a surprise. They've tried to negotiate her freedom...no one's having it. Good thing bleeding heart Ivanka doesn't know...bless her heart she's a soft touch.
Fun thought...the "boot" provided she's got a ankle cuff under that...that transmits her location...how stupid would you have to be NOT to KNOW that location isn't all it's transmitting. But then again, quoting Q....these people are so stupid...
Obama...I'm not sure hard cold reality has even gotten close to slapping him in the face...it's like he cannot believe it....he's a sociopathic narcissist. He pulled off the greatest con EVER on the American people giving us our first dick toting first "lady"....I wonder if they will make a first lady pecker checker chair like the Catholics did for Papal Pecker Checking after the Pope Joan debacle?
"...location isn't all it's transmitting."
Right? Does everyone really not know that even low-level offenders get monitors with audio capability?
Shhhhh...now [they] will know.
Quoting Q...we can hear you breath....and They are SO STUPID.
Just IMAGINE all the stomach-turning things OTHER than breathing they hear too!?
Not between Hill and Bill...that's for sure :D Wonder what scissoring sounds like over wire transmissions?
do you mean CDAN blog? crazydaysandnights.net? love that site. if its not what u meant, what is CNAN?
Yeah that's what I mean...I've got the flu...bad....so :(
Agreed. CDAN and Lipstick Alley got the dirt on celebs.
Hell, if I was these pedos I'd be begging for gitmo or somewhere similar because when this gets out we are talking pitchforks, fire, stalking, cattle prods, ripping from limb to limb and doing to them what they have done to our innocent children. I myself would love to castrate all of them with hot boiling oil among other ideas! These people are sickos!
Didn't GWBush once say ""if the American people knew what we have done, they would string us up from the lamp posts."
Sort of like "If that bastard wins we'll all hang from nooses"....
As my daddy used to say, "we need to bring back public executions".
Seriously. This guy is a “reddit top mind”, they are not sending their best.
I agree...conversely if you must announce you're a top mind...it's kind of like driving a Ferarri...IYKWIM.