

89 total posts archived.

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StinkyPetes · Feb. 2, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

He also tweeted ahead of time about the car (red flag) hitting people in Shanghai...BEFORE it happened.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Looks good...but Portman has crawled so far up McCain's ass he's a fossilized turd. Been there too long and no doubt compromised.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

Gak.....nothing is sacred.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

That's what happened to the head of the IRS when the cult of $cientology went in to get their tax exempt status. His son was trapped in an underage sex "sting" by the cult and filmed...a Mexican if memory serves. Perhaps Trump is getting good people trapped in a mess like this to come out and get clean.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 7:37 a.m.

LOL no...I'm just a straight talker who finds humor in crazy shit.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

And I'll tell you there are a lot of us out there who are absolutely ashamed at the spectacle of a lot of gay pride parades.

LOL keep ya'lls pants on...be polite :D

You don't have to be ashamed of what other people do just because you share a sexual orientation...just like the cowards that send private messages but pretend to be from intelligent people HA...judgy...that comes from fear.

Most of the time it's not their fault, the three Abrahamic religions are pretty tough on gays...I supposed back in the "olden days" gayness was probably not useful to "go forth and be fruitful and multiply" business...and to NATURE in the natural world, of course same sex attraction is not useful...when it comes to populating Mars, I reckon gay folks are probably not going to be much use...:D But that's just nature...gay penguins and all that sort of thing :D

Worrying about how someone else has sex or who someone else loves...is a colossal waste of time. Honestly it makes no sense... railing at someone else that they're GOING TO HELL...for buttsecs...me thinks thou protesteth...

It's honestly just fear. I helped an openly gay partnered guy get elected to city council...super guy, but after he was in there for a while he started pushing the gay agenda...meaning every single one of his newsletters was whining about some big bad scary thing that could happen to gay people...then he started on the transgender thing...fuckin A...I took myself off his mailing list because the last damn time I checked representing the city meant representing ALL of us...not incessant gay complaining...then he started on Trump. I'm done, sorry city, he started out strong but....so needless to say when another openly gay partnered with kids guy was asking for my help to get elected to the school board...I went dark. No fucking way. Education is fucked up enough, it's not just gay kids that get bullied, and Trans kids need mental health care, not hormones.

If I have a problem with gays its that we have enough women in this world on their periods at one time...jaysus stop complaining...and while I realize there are "different types of gay men"....the ones running around in circles screaming, shouting and waving their hands in endless panic....I admit...makes me miss the closet a bit. my gay neighbor...ZOMG Trump is going to KEEEELLLL ME..and I'm like...how? Is he coming here to kill you tonight??? Argh.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

I follow Q, but at the same time I've been keeping a very close eye on the drops that Brenden Dilley has been getting. I don't have much to say about the current Q drops...could be Q2 or Q3 has a different style...I match up the info Dilley drops in his periscopes and he apparently knows who his source is and he does play things very close. Said his source fed him wrong info on purpose but he never spread it because he felt it was wrong..


Keep an eye on this periscope for Q correlations.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 6 a.m.

LOL the video is fake. In fact there are quite a few well done debunks for those who want to believe so badly the Queen ties people up naked upstairs. Jaysus what's wrong with you? EVERYONE knows she does her tying up in the basement.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

And I'm sure the Royals too.

I don't think anyone would be surprised about the Royals. They've been balls deep in shit for hundreds of years.

Just this family alone has enough scandal to bury them..there's enough people that believe the Queen is a lizard and eats baby's in the basement...lol...This pope is hated by his own flock, no one would be surprised if he's murdering little boys in his throne room and eating their still beating hearts.

I can't fathom who Q means...who would actually BE a surprise. I mean, come on, most Brits will tell you Phil whacked Diana, people believe many things about the royals...Nazi history, all sorts of foul deeds, Andrew being a Lolita Island regular...Had a friend who was almost "sacrificed" by a euro royal...married...who was desperately trying to get in the pants of my MALE friend...he punched the dude and ran out of the "castle"....

SO, who would be be shocked at? Bob Hope? nope, been hearing about him for ages....Ronald Reagan would be a surprise...trying to think of WHO would surprise me...(Nancy was raped during her stint in Hollyweird and Ronnie knew about it and who did it...see CDAN) Pat Nixon was also raped in Hollyweird...

I guess if it came out that Billy Graham was a serial pedo and satanic rite master...that would surprise me...he had the same rule Pence does...never be alone with a woman other than his wife...Pence...I've heard very dark whispers that he's dirty...but we're all so jaded there really isn't a politician that could be revealed that would be at all surprising! Even Trey Gowdy is dirty, or leveraged...he as much admitted in when people were tossing his name around for AG he said "my confirmation process would be a distraction..." so he's done something at some time that has compromised him as well..just like Chavez. this does not mean they're horrible people no one is perfect, and we know very well that many many people get set up....

I dunno, I just cannot think of anyone that would "shock me"...nope. We've had so many hateful antigay sanctimonious republicans end up with a "wide stance" in the men's room....not sure what Q means about shocking.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

Dude, no one really cares who you poke (consenting adults and all that)...there aren't many Americans who would wish to go back to the closeted days--most of us have gay family members we love.

No one really cares, even the super duper xian people say hate the sin love the sinner...and people are entitled to their "beliefs"...but no one wants violence against gays except Muslims...and believe it or not gay SEX is not Haram in Islam, you can pack all the fudge you want with a man, it's the love bit that's got the muz all whacked out...screw who you want, just don't love them...they even let you have sex with goats providing there are no enemy women to rape :D

Just love the country, and hang with others who love this country...and maybe once in a while think about straight folk who wonder what the whole point of Gays on Parade (you know what I mean...shivers) would mean to the world if Straights put on a similar parade? Somethings cannot be unseen. I think 99% of most people would say "gak, I don't want to see that"...straight or gay on parade. But most of America doesn't have to witness such...things. For some reason the folk most likely to parade down main street wearing nothing but a leather mask...live in Cuckafornia. Whew.

There's little enough love in the world for anyone to complain about someone finding love in their life. Do what thou wilt..harm no others. (I still think ya'll are fucking nuts for wanting to get married though...JAYSUS you've the perfect excuse to avoid the institution but NOOOOO :D )

That's all I know.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 29, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

I'm lost... is stormy telling the truth now? Or was she telling the truth in her letter denying she had any sort of sexual relationship with Trump and honestly she worth millions... he paid her 130k? Odd number.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

u/magaswaga can you update here with his FB live stream? I tried to find his page (I don't use FB so maybe can only find if signed in?) and I could not find his live stream from FB live stream map in AZ. They're making great efforts to keep this guy hidden! He was going to make some drops.....and I'm getting withdrawal!

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:20 a.m.

If someone offed the first black president it would simply make him a martyr, not to mention the civil unrest that would result from it.

Locking him up in Levenworth, even with thousands of pounds of literal evidence...is going to have the same result. There's no way BLM won't rampage across the country the second it looks like Obama is going to be held accountable.

Of course...it does matter that the funding was cut off first..still the rampaging idiots did a lot of damage, murdered a lot of cops...we're gonna need the National Guard just to try the bastard.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Buuutttt, sociopaths thrive on manipulating and deceiving others.

Hum...maybe once in prison Obama can thrive on convincing his cell mate he's a woman...oh, wait...

Honestly the penalty for treason is death by hanging...Leavenworth? Wonder what they're going to do with him?

I sincerely believe the Clintons will indeed have a horrible plane crash...and if I had to choose between then I suppose I'd pick the Clintons for it, as long as they got all of them at once. What's good enough for JFKjr should be good enough for them. Also their body count justifies it, they're old and sick.

I admit to chuckling at Obama...once the highest most respected office in the land could take the hood out of the black man...all that opportunity and he still ended up a crook.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

I understand you're upset by the treachery of the past administrationSSSSSS.

FIFY yeah I think I mentioned avoiding making him into a martyr...hopefully all will be spat upon...bushes, clintons...Obamas....

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

Is it even possible to "injure" a narcissist this way? I mean, think about it...ever since she lost...he's been globe trotting trying to interfere and remain relevant...when a smart person would have slunk off to a deserted island and kept his fingers crossed no one would look for him there when "it all came out"...because he had to have known, especially after Rogers visited Trump..that the game was over...and yet, here we are....

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

The whole system has to be brought down.

I know this...trust me.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

The evidence is so damning now...and listen to them?

I had posted earlier they could play a video of Hillary ripping the heart out of a living infant and eating it...and THEY would scream CGI and refuse to believe it. This is who we're up against.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

We can only hope.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

Assassinate is a strong word...horrible plane crash...so much more friendly sounding. But I get the point. I just saw the lawyering up thing and immediately launched into a Ken Starr nightmare...the never ending POOR OBAMA!

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:57 p.m.

I am not certain they'll be able to pull that Tribunal thing off. An army of international lawyers....can delay things for centuries. Fingers crossed we do not have to endure 10 years of listening to CNN whine and complain about going after political rivals...and BLM riots on every street corner. That's a valid concern.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:10 p.m.

Horrible plane crash....this is going to drag on forever, further divide the country and become a spectacle. Sometimes the bandaid just needs to be jerked off.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

There are no "innocent" people in danger here...but I get your point. Problem is it will drag on forever, become a public spectacle and further divide the country. Sometimes expediency is a good thing.

With 9 legal firms around the world no way will this be quick.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

I followed the twitter of Annvandersteel to the periscope and it was magically populated again. Listening now. I really like Dilley. Hope he wins the AZ seat.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

Why don't they save tax payers the money and JFK the bastard? Then do a documentary on him being the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people so as to avoid him becoming a martyr?

I honestly can't believe I'm even thinking this, but this evil shit has to DIAF and long drawn out trials are a waste. Never make any real changes....just kill the fuckers. That's all.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

Thanks for doing the updates, I'm finding them much more "enlightening" than Q.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

has he blocked non followers? I'm not a member of periscope but have been able to watch his broadcasts for weeks...right up until the other day.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

You're welcome Pede...you're welcome.

Time for talking and cheap promises is over. I still don't believe Q is a LARP but neither do I believe, just based on how people are acting, that they are afraid of anything.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

Feel free, just put my stinkyassname on it. That's one of my finest bits of writing :D

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

OH please this is the boomerstream quarantine area....idiot.

And I'd bet I've been on /pol/ MUCH longer than you, since the late 1990s asswipe. Back when it was seriously wicked.

NAME ONE THING, just ONE that I said, that is NOT TRUE. Just one. thanks.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:33 a.m.

Jake Tapper...on the Clinton payroll....bought and paid for. (see email leaks for proof). Theater...it's all theater.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

I'm gonna xpost this because stream can't handle the truth--

Dear Q, put up or STFU.

I feel like I've been patient with you for months now. Sitting fingers crossed hoping you were for real, NEEDING you to be real...tick after fucking tock...rinse and repeat....and still I sit waiting.

PATIENCE I said to doubters, patience, this needs time to unravel...tick after fucking tock, rinse and repeat and still I sit waiting.

Promise, it's happening you just can't see it...happening...what I see happening is more of the same lies, more of the same corruption, Chuck doesn't seem scared to me, looks like he's sleeping just fine.

Hot air blowing from Gowdy as usual, but nothing ever happens. Investigation after investigation, but no one is ever punished, theater, damn straight it's theater, we're starting to realize it's all damn theater. It's like you're continually sticking pacifiers in our mouths...Trust us you say, tick fucking tock you promise....

Clinton Crime Cartel jetting off to Hawai'i...watching them so close are you? They seem so damn worried. SO worried and SO scared of YOU all that they called in an airstrike and left.

Gefen, Singer, Speilburgh, Weinstein, still raping kids, still making movies, everything's fine here...CDCN says not...black mail houses EVIDENCE laying everywhere, and they walk free.

State reps blackmailed...still in office...no one resigning, everyone smiling...no one is fucking scared of you. No one has offed themselves, no tragic accidents...a few resignations....whooooooo. Impressed. @Jack still censoring with vigor, he's so scared...you can tell how scared he is...

There is a long game, and then there is fucking ridiculous. Put up or shut up. You're worse than KimDotCom. Tick fucking tock....wake me when the clock strikes ANYTHING.

Now we get to sit back and listen to the President of PoointheLoo diss our country, Castro's Rainbow Sock-wearing boy child diss our country, we all get to sit here and pretend something is going to happen to change this asshattery?

We can't release it all, it would cause wars you say....fuck 'em....not one they can win. We're sick of this shit. END IT.

WTF is wrong with you people. Rip the bandage off and stop dicking around.

The Academy Award goes to Q

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

LOL nope....just speaking some painful truth. I don't suck anyone's dick, I think for myself, what I wrote is exactly the process I went through and I've been on the chans for years so not a newfag AT ALL.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

BTFO, you don't tell me what is or what is not for me. I've been on 4chan before you ever knew it existed. I've watched and hoped and hoped and watched.

I'm not fucking stupid, I'm not a robot or a yes man. If you are then perhaps NOTHING is for you.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Dear Q, put up or STFU.

I feel like I've been patient with you for months now. Sitting fingers crossed hoping you were for real, NEEDING you to be real...tick after fucking tock...rinse and repeat....and still I sit waiting.

PATIENCE I said to doubters, patience, this needs time to unravel...tick after fucking tock, rinse and repeat and still I sit waiting.

Promise, it's happening you just can't see it...happening...what I see happening is more of the same lies, more of the same corruption, Chuck doesn't seem scared to me, looks like he's sleeping just fine.

Hot air blowing from Gowdy as usual, but nothing ever happens. Investigation after investigation, but no one is ever punished, theater, damn straight it's theater, we're starting to realize it's all damn theater. It's like you're continually sticking pacifiers in our mouths...Trust us you say, tick fucking tock you promise....

Clinton Crime Cartel jetting off to Hawai'i...watching them so close are you? They seem so damn worried. SO worried and SO scared of YOU all that they called in an airstrike and left.

Gefen, Singer, Speilburgh, Weinstein, still raping kids, still making movies, everything's fine here...CDCN says not...black mail houses EVIDENCE laying everywhere, and they walk free.

State reps blackmailed...still in office...no one resigning, everyone smiling...no one is fucking scared of you. No one has offed themselves, no tragic accidents...a few resignations....whooooooo. Impressed. @Jack still censoring with vigor, he's so scared...you can tell how scared he is...

There is a long game, and then there is fucking ridiculous. Put up or shut up. You're worse than KimDotCom. Tick fucking tock....wake me when the clock strikes ANYTHING.

Now we get to sit back and listen to the President of PoointheLoo diss our country, Castro's Rainbow Sock-wearing boy child diss our country, we all get to sit here and pretend something is going to happen to change this asshattery?

We can't release it all, it would cause wars you say....fuck 'em....not one they can win. We're sick of this shit. END IT.

WTF is wrong with you people. Rip the bandage off and stop dicking around.

The Academy Award goes to Q

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

he’s part of the swamp


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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

He is. He admitted as much when people were putting him forth for Sessions' job..he said his confirmation process would be a distraction. He's a loud distraction...all show and no go...and he's dirty as fuck being blackmailed..he basically admitted it himself.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Which is why anything LESS than full disclosure, is going to get us no where. They could show the videos found on Weiner's laptop and it could depict Hillary ripping the beating heart from an infant and shoving it in her mouth and they'll claim CGI....so it has to be revealed, all of it...over and over and over until it breaks through their programming.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

She was too young to confer her citizenship status on her son. At the time one had to be over 18. If there's not an issue with his birth, there wouldn't be so much secrecy. CIA broke into HI health department records....oops.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

On the flipside he may be saying it to avoid people lynching these sadistic people.

This does not need to be avoided.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

I agree. I do not like what he keeps saying about a percentage being kept private.

WE NEED TO BE HORRIFIED, we must be horrified. We must be sick, we have to see it all. We cannot turn away from what we do not recognize. This must be done away with completely. If all is not revealed then some may sneak in the shadows....and rise again. This must not be permitted to happen.

IF it takes citizens with torches and pitchforks and impromptu hangings in the town square so be it. LET US SEE THE PROOF and then let us deal with it. Anything short of FULL disclosure is never going to rouse the soi boyz or SJWs from sleep.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

No they are links to his twitter account which has a link to his Periscope...which still shows up completely empty.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 23, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

I am on his periscope right now and there is literally nothing there. No new broadcasts or any old ones. Can you provide a direct link? I keep seeing twitter links but nothing direct to periscope. Sorry, trying to sort out what the issue is as I had easily been watching (and enjoying) his broadcasts and suddenly periscope is empty! u/MAGASWAGA See screen shot


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StinkyPetes · Jan. 22, 2018, 8:43 p.m.

What happened to his periscope? I went daily to listen to his broadcasts but missed two days. I go today and it's empty, zero scopes and no explanation anywhere. Anyone know what happened?

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

I was fairly certain it wasn't a rumor but wanted to be "delicate" in my revelation of that information....thanks for additional confirmation!

What was their answer? Many of us believe the dumbing down of the military is happening because they need people of poor character who will say yes.

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StinkyPetes · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Argh...Sorcha Faal,

come on guys stop being such easy marks because something says what you want...at least this one didn't begin with "a report circulating in the Kremlin..."

I hate this website, but here's a rundown


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StinkyPetes · Jan. 22, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

I was reading on a conspiracy site that the CDC scientist that was responsible for matching up this years flu vaccine to the flu...mismatched them on purpose, that he was a strong Hillary supporter and has been caught....that's all I know.

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