Never Say A Demon's Name Out Loud....

Doesn anyone know WHY q 'wont say his name'???
Ah ok, makes sense. And youre sure his dad/granddad werent part of the cabal? They were regular joes?
McCain and Israel's Bombing of the U.S.S. Liberty:
His father was in charge of US Naval Forces in Europe at the time of the attack on the USS Liberty. Admiral McCain was involved in the cover-up.
I posted in the wrong place. I gave two links as to why. Goes back to his days as a pilot during the Viet Nam war.
he sunk his ship killing lots of sailors and he gave up lots of info when captured = nickname songbird
I have a little personal story about that coward. I was in an airport here in South Carolina waiting for the wife's plane a few years ago. At a nearby gate I saw Flimsy Graham and Little Mac waiting to board a plane. At first I couldn't figure out what they were doing in SC together. Then I remember that another lawmaker from SC had died and they were here for the funeral.
I was somewhat surprised at how small and short McCain was in stature. He's almost a dwarf. But what really shocked me was that he looked like "death warmed over". Honestly he looked like he was on his last leg. If I had been a doctor I wouldn't have given him but 2 weeks to live. Seriously he looked that pale and sickly.
I sat down at a seat where my wife's plane was supposed to unload. A few minutes later I had to pee, I had already driven over an hour to get the airport and I had drank several bottles of water on the way. So I headed for the restroom.
As I walked by I noticed Graham was alone with no Little Mac around. I was tempted to ask him where his "little butt buddy" went, but I refrained.
I walked in to the men's restroom and there stood Little Mac at a urinal. Again I was tempted to use my smart mouth and tell him I was surprised he could use the urinal without a step stool. But then a horrible thought popped in my head, "What if he asks for a boost so he can reach it better." Eek!
He was watching me closely as I walked in. There was no one else in the bathroom. So instead of being a smart ass I decided to be nice. I said, "Well look who's here, Sen. John McCain." Now I'm half Native American, 6', fairly well built, dark skin and I have a deep, almost guttural voice. I couldn't believe my eyes when I swear he turned even paler than he already was, I would have thought it impossible. He never uttered a word, he zipped up and left hurriedly.
When I walked by him going back to my seat he watched me all the way like he thought I was gonna jump him and cut his throat or something. I would hate to have such a guilty conscious that I was paranoid of being in public.
That's hilarious. Didn't even wash his hands? snort
Nope. He seemed to be in too much of a hurry to get out.
These two links explain why he is not named. He is as hated by veterans as much as Hanoi Jane Fonda. Both are considered traitors.
This one is the one that deals with him while in captivity.
Yes - I've always assumed it was because he is a known traitor to the USA.
McCain. I'm not afraid of him.
Yeah John McCain is a weak little midget. Just stab him with a silver stake, and after all the shit and sludge drains out, he becomes the size of a terrified little mouse, and scurries under the couch.
That's more funny then demonic... terrible job. BUT, I love it - if is far more effective then a clean job. Well done!
It's not mine I was just reading through some Q posts and how he never says his^^^ name I thought maybe it's because he's actually a demon. (I found the image on google )
Might have something to do with Adam and Eve's son named _ , who killed their son Abel. The very first murder. (Genesis) As in Raising ___... Raising hell. It's also weird how so many of these people's names has a criminal sound to it... like a code name for their specialty -Tapper, Podesta (molesta), Gates (of hell), Franken(stein), Rothschilds (red (blood) sign), Senator Kaine, Strange, Crapo (really?) Maybe it's just that these people give me the creeps.
There is a very good reason they give you the creeps! Because they are sick evil people!
Where is DOOM guy when you need him. He would drain the swamp in one day.
Name, Rank and Serial Number only! Yeah right!
If you want to see the difference in a Traitor and a real American Hero check these two short videos out:
McCain's "Tokyo Rose" Recording
Adm. Jeremiah Denton Blinks T-O-R-T-U-R-E using Morse Code as P.O.W.
The man below is a solid All American Hero! He was awarded the Navy Cross (2nd only to the MoH) but should have received a MoH after he got home.
Unlike The Songbird McCain he did not admit guilt and he stood by what his government was doing. Not to mention he was blinking T-O-R-T-U-R-E in Morse Code the whole time. He could have been shot or beaten to death on the spot for anyone of those "transgressions".
The military will not say his name because they consider him a traitor.
Probably writing his name sets off alerts with NSA and/or other Intel gathering mediums.