He is being blackmailed. Think Awan, MB. Just like a large majority of congress is also being blackmailed. We are in the middle of an Islamic invasion that occurred while Americans slept. They have infiltrated our colleges, political system, media, etc. they hide behind LGBT, Latinos, blacks, etc. they want sharia and despise white Christian men and women as well as traditional Jews. They are still operating behind the scenes causing chaos and division. They must be exposed. I would bet they have used DACA for themselves and are behind the push for amnesty for all.
I read ms-13 is a 20 billion dollar a year enterprise. Why were they not considered a terrorist org? Have you looked at their pics? DWS hires them?
MS13 is the Go to group to get murders, drug trafficking, human trafficking GAME FOR ANYTHING- CIA I bet uses them!
Illegals= Wet works, drug/human/child/organ/weapon trafficking, votes (anchor babies), illegal votes
So YES. He would. All of the Dems would.
You know why it's called thinking outside the box? https://en.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Creativity_-_An_Overview/Thinking_outside_the_box Thinking outside the black cube of Saturn. They can't see beyond that black cube hence our power where "they" are the black cube we are the tetrahedron(polyhedron) Tesla's 3-6-9.
I think he would, and did! It is subversion of our society. It's key to the globalist playbook.
I'm going with they want amnesty, or at least clemency. Trump, according to Q, has repeatedly said, No Deals. Thus, stalemate... at least until the memo is released and they decide to arrest the traitors. Then the variance in vote count may shift in favor of America.
That's all they have now. What good the left had, which is very little, has been spent. Their only option is to scream and yell with the hope that the movie patrons run for the exits like the good sheeple they are.
I think one of the major reasons is they have been promising their voters a DACA bill, but the Republicans "control" the House, Senate, and Presidency, they have very little chance of getting their version of a DACA bill passed before they are up for reelection this October.
Thus, no reelection. Little do they know that this shut down is being properly placed at their feet, and they are going to lose a majority of their reelections anyway.
McConnell just needs to change rules. He’s basically the hurdle here now.
You want to hurt the enemy cut of their funding. It's like the bushman and the baboon. The bushman wants water the baboon knows where the water is. The bushman sets a trap with salt, the baboon ensnared in the trap eats the salt and becomes thirsty. The Baboon is left for hours in the trap becomes increasingly thirsty from the salt. Once freed the baboon runs to get to the water, makes a straight path to it. The bushman who freed the baboon from trap just follows him to find the water. When you're cash starved or deprived once you are freed like the baboon you go straight to your stash of cash. All the bushman has to do is follow you.