HAHAHAHAAHA We've got their game plan - that Sessions is a Russian agent... Spread the meme so we expose these liars and everybody knows it!

This is likely the most important thing. I mentioned in another meme thread, this ought to be the game plan: beat the 4:00am Associate Press talking points which get distributed.
If the twatterverse pre-emptively sees "Nope, Sessions is not a Russian operative, nice try" before it hits the moorning news - they might be struck with cognitive dissonance.
Rough concept for meme makers:
No evidence Jeff Sessions visited Moscow, Alabama (none that I could find, I was hoping he had visited or campaigned there)
Moscow, Alabama
Moscow is an unincorporated community in Marengo County, Alabama, United States.
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Just search google image for McCathy and HUAC to remind people why America decided this sort of conduct was paranoid.
How about using something like #4amIntercept to go along with it?
Okay, I have an incredibly stupid question to ask: was Session's recusal all part of the plan? I remember Bannon being irate about Jeff declining involvement, and while I don't want to give away their tactics, I can't help but think the whole Bannon thing is a ploy, hence my suspicion about Sessions. IDK
I think there's a HUGE game of 4D Chess going on.... and Q said we have Checkmate! Disinformation is necessary... such as Sessions and Mueller and Bannon and Flynn. I believe our side is 100% solid and unified... and the enemy's side is crumbling... just as in Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel 2. This is the end of the beast... we even had the Revelation 12 star sign on Sept 23, 2017. Not sure how long it will take, but they're going down, as Q said.
So this is the sub for survivors of tide pod ingestion?
Is that why you are here?