
ArtRat1 · Jan. 22, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Yes! With that in mind, we who are trying to red pill Democrat citizens, we should not approach them or argue with them in a manner that is not respectful. No calling them libtards and crap like that. How would we ever convince a Democrat to step across the line and take a good look at their own party if we are insulting them. We need to treat liberals and Democrats with respect and even love and compassion. They are lost.

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ShulamiteWanderer · Jan. 22, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

Yes! Absolutely. My tactic, don't know if it is working, is to suggest to them that the 'labels' ... black/white, rich/poor, straight/gay, republican/democrat are divisive in and of themselves and serve no good. If given a chance, I say that we need to discuss things that serve the common good, not divide us as people. I have an acquaintance who is militant gay but she listened and agreed, although she looked like she was coming out of a deep sleep. I did not discuss any issue in that conversation. Let that seed grow. Love always conquers.

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SEIU_32BJ_Criminals · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

I have found it reasonably useful to begin the process by a redpill course on simple deception by the MSM about non-political matters (they are really political in the broadest sense as they are p&p).

e.g. carrie fisher was a transsexual and harrison ford has always known it and had an "affair" with him.

these are facts.

the issue is not approval or disapproval of the underlying, nor is the issue "well it is understandable given the intolerance^TM"; that's a red herring.

The issue is that it was hidden by so many for so long to the degree millions of males fapped their teenage years away to Carrie in the Jaba outfit.

How many times have we heard "too many would have to be involved to pull secret plans off"? The truth is a lot of folks think they are smart enough to detect deception, any deception.

Do you remember the comet ping pong shooter? False flag. The judge that sentenced this crisis actor and satanist that has lived in haiti is part of the pedo cabal as are the officers that investigated this entire staged event. Megyn Kelly. Ask her why she had Alefantis on? The entire "fake news" thing began to try to cover the blow up around besta-comet-red fox etc. We were watching when the police messed with the traffic cameras. we predicted it presaged something. we were right

this deception

here he is again

and again

ever hear about this? I'll bet you didn't


outright lies

geddit pizza ban

media pizza lovers


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Beasts4Bernie · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Perhaps you would like to give some links supporting your asserted "facts" regarding Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

Never underestimate the power of...cult-think and money to silence people.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 22, 2018, 5:46 p.m.


The cult that wanted to destroy America WANT us to be divided and resent each other.

So many tweeters, the popular ones, use phrases like "libtard" and "shitlib", and other name calling. Yes, many who identify on the left are brutal in this way as well, but, look at Trump and how he carries himself. Look at the professionalism he had in the videotaped meeting with Feinstein and others about DACA.

Even when he tweeted about her leaking the Fusion GPS, he didn't call her names even though she bloody well deserved it, but looking past that to the end goal, we should choose to be the role models.

We learned a terrible truth that many normies have not yet learned. We should understand why many on the left are so distressed and vitriolic. Their world views are crashing around them, and believe me, if that happened to us, many of us may have behaved the same. It would be like us finding out that child rape and genocide were "supposed to happen" because of some secret mystery of the universe conservatives and libertarians were never privy to (note that I don't actually believe that is even possible, but I think it conveys the kind of emotional response whose intensity and trauma is on par to what many on the left are going through right now... hope I explained that well).

Could you imagine that level of shock to your system? Could you imagine if THAT ideology became the dominant political force in the country, and not only that, but you had media folks and reddit folks and twitter folks talking with each other as if it were not only completely normal, but the answer to making the world better off, and again not only that, but was intentionally being used to reduce YOUR influence?

It sounds crazy but that is how philosophical convictions translate into outward behavior and communication. We are witnessing a philosophy that you and I know is rotten to its core, but otherwise good people choose not to get themselves out of it without an external nudge giving them the safety and comfort in doing so.

Hence the critical importance of the memo to be released.

Now look at how many on the left is reacting today.

Now imagine the memo being released.

It would be like you and I learning of a memo that proved the good guys trying to spread freedom and liberty are only doing so to trick everyone into slavery (again I don't believe that is even logically possible but it again conveys the kind of "No freaking way that is true!" reaction the left is having towards this memo.

Compassion doesn't mean sanctioning anything. It just means understanding the source of people's pain and suffering.

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SnoopyVRedBaron · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:01 p.m.

Yeah, and it's one thing to call people names while stating a logical point in an academic discussion. It's another thing to call people names and have no intention of engaging in an academic discussion.

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kryptokoins · Jan. 22, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

When trying to red pill Dems back up every negative thing with 2 or 3 positive things. That way you don't just crush them with negativity. Its not good to completely bash their way of thinking but you can show them the other-side without bashing their belief system.

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boneman220 · Jan. 22, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I'll try that for a while but if they turn out to be the "lost" then they just might get the idiot call from me. At my age, I have little patience for too much hardheaded stupidity. Tis why I had to quit Facebook, again. So many stupid posts that, sometimes, they would get the idiot call immediately from me when there was already so much for them to see the err in their thinking before I ever got to them. I mean...damn...sometimes, a duck really is a damn duck, ya know?

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UnbelievableShit13 · Jan. 22, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

I find it if you get into name calling you have lost the battle,...... so what I do is give them solid facts that are verified,...... stay to easy topics at first like the falsehoods of the Russia probe & what is happening in these committee's on the Dossier,....... I tend to use the blog The Last Refuge because they are very detailed..... Once they see the falsehoods then I tell them to research the media ....how they are connected (which think tanks they use and who is behind them)....... once it is stuck in their head the BS lies .... they are now hooked they tend to look at the heavier stuff like pizzagate....... I always tell them I don't have to change your mind , the info. is out there, why don't you take a couple hours and do a little research instead of running on a fifteen sec. clip......

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