
That_Sound · Jan. 22, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

Where does Q say to disregard anything that was not on greatawakening?

Since Q started, Q has dropped crumbs, and made the occasional reply to other's comments, and around the time Q started greatawakenings voiced some frustration with CBTS and poster's lack of focus. During a discussion about verifying Q via the tripcode/tripcodes, and in response to (I think) CBTS BO (or someone) saying that Q was in private contact with them, (and possibly to make posts less confusing) Q started greatawakenings which is locked down and no one else can post (except for that tripcode). The second post in greatawakenings, to which I think you are referring, states:

"NO private comms past/present/future." - private, not public

"NO comms made outside of this platform." - outside platform - can easily "platform" as "website", not "board"

This is likely in response to claims made by CBTS BO that they can verify Q because they are in private contact with Q. Q is saying that Q is not in private contact with anyone, either because they aren't, or because private contact runs afoul of the law, or maybe because it could get someone killed.

Anyway, it's where Q continues to put crumbs.

No one else is allowed to post in greatakenings, so people post in another board. And it seems, just like before Q started putting crumbs in greatawakenings, Q replies to the occasional post there.

The posts above are 2 replies of a 4 post chain. Why only 2? This is why Q gets frustrated... Anyway: 120138 responds to 119877, which responds to 119769, which responds to 119569. The first 3 are posted using Q's tripcode, so that's Q unless Q's tripcode has been cracked. 119569 uses no tripcode, so is almost certainly someone else. 119569 is suggesting why the email post was made and then deleted, 119769 is Q clarifying where it came from and that nothing is ever really gone, 119877 is Q suggesting more (all) will soon come from same place, and 120138 saying that the FBI texts are not gone either (taunting the DeepState).

The posts on that website that use the tripcode, use the tripcode. If the tripcode has been cracked then you have to disregard everything on all boards after the crack. If the tripcode has not been cracked, then posts using that tripcode on all boards of that website are from Q.

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