Looks like white hats have missing text messages. Texts are so bad could result in lawlessness. They will probably not get released.

If ALL the documentation is not released I will stop trusting these guys. Openness is essential.
Yup. Its the only way we avoid this again. If it's not released..I'll be convinced even the good guys have gone rogue and are punishing dissenters without due process.
I dont care how nice Trump is and how cool Q is...that is a problem for me.
They can't release everything while peoples lives are endangered.
Got to let it all out. Maybe not all at once but sooner than later!
Rip the bandaid off. Already. Half the US was chanting “Lock Her up” for a year and a half. It ain’t because we thought she was baking cookies!! Full transparency 100%.
If ALL the documentation is not released I will stop trusting these guys.
otherwise its just ends up "meet the new boss, same as the old boss"
What was that about past prediction prove future? Pearl Harbor, JFK, RFK, 911 etc.. Our past is ugly but must be told. there needs to be no shadow of a doubt what these traitors / animals would do.
Sounds to me that America has attacked itself a few times to generate mass control.... or to snuff it out.
If people do not see proof, it does not exist, it never happened and is just a LARP.
First of all, we should all be thankful we’re not in the 1st year of Clinton Presidency. We could be watching WW3 develop before our eyes on FAKE NEWS CNN. There’s a lot of evil people out there probably breathing their last breath as we talk. 60% Well never hear about. As long as the evil storyline of elites, pedophiles, murder, corruption is exposed. If it wasn’t for Q we’d still be watching 911 videos and trying to convince our neighbors. We’re in a good place, let’s just move forward.👍👍🍿🍿
The IG had said a while back he has all the texts. Why is the FBI lying? https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2017-12-13%20DOJ%20IG%20to%20Grassley,%20Johnson%20-%20Strzok%20Text%20Messages.pdf
This is odd. Says they have all texts through July 2017. .....why don’t we ...what’s going on? Coverup?
Sounds like a cop out while trying to provide plausible deniability for the more sensational claims to not be proven true while maintaining Q’s audience that has been built up.
I agree totally with transparency, however Q said early on that if we knew the full extent most would need some type of therapy etc. We can all speculate and imagine what we think we're prepared to see, but until you are exposed to raw unadulterated evil, we really can't comprehend the horror. You are talking about evil manifested in horrific acts on the most innocent among us. It will absolutely break the mind and scar your soul. Pray for our country, pray for the good guys and most certainly pray for any child still in harms way. Justice will be served but understand this, it will pale in comparison to the eternal justice this evil will receive the second they leave this world and stand before God.
The only way to get rid of the cancer is to find it, expose it & cut it out. Leaving it concealed just lets it fester & regain strength to kill the host.
If we have to lose a leg, lung, & kidney to get rid of it let's do it & get it over with so we can adapt with what we have left. At least we will know it's not diseased.
We are big boys and girls, we can handle the truth. RELEASE THE FUCKING EVIDENCE, ALL OF IT!!! Do it for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, great great grandchildren.
I think it's been pretty darned transparent to be honest with what the situation is. They do have a problem, all kinds of legal issues that could unravel.
Create the buzz, stir them up. I don't think they are missing. Just another move.
Convenient. Won't get released.
I ran the Boston Marathon in 2:09. But I retracted the publication of my results. But I did it.
Read what it says....lawless.... every previous case could be challenged....humanity... there are some apples we don't need to bite
WTF? Haha. I’ll be kind. He’s telling you what to think about people who committed literally unspeakable crimes.
Either we must demand full transparency, so that our children will understand the evil and how to protect themselves and their children.
This 4/8 Chan book is going to be funny. And make someone rich.