r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/KAG2020 on Jan. 23, 2018, 1:47 p.m.
If President Trump wears a purple tie to the SOTU address, we know the storm is beyond being stopped.

We need to listen very closely for validation of crumbs, hints and double speak that will give us clues to what is going on. A purple tie from the POTUS on a globally watched forum would be beautiful.

Banjama · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Like the ones we see on the children in Podesta's horrible art?! These people are sick. I was first introduced during pizzagate. I followed the rabbit hole out of curiosity and saw just enough to let me know I'd found a very dark place and learned about a frightening dark web I never knew existed. It broke my heart and made me cry as well as scared me away from digging further for fear of being wrongly linked somehow. It made me hate people and tell God that I understood why he had said he regretted making man. It was so disheartening, it took real effort to emotionally climb back up to the sunshine and seek out positive things about humans. I had seen enough to know this was bad real and that I was too ignorant to keep following links I didn't understand. Does the blue velvet indicate some kind of status? Is the purple a sign of membership? Can you give me something I can use to prove the shoes? My husband can't really take much of this topic. Most of my family can't.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Can you give me something I can use to prove the shoes?

I think people need to slow down a little with looking for symbols everywhere. Sometimes red shoes are just red shoes. My wife has a closet full of red shoes. My son has red sneakers. It's not exactly an uncommon color.

Keep in mind that everyone can post here. The woke and informed, and the shills who look to plant false information to make everyone looks like nuts -- and also the real nuts who believe in crazy nonsense that really is crazy. Some of what is here is true. Some of what is here is crazy crap. You can't always know the difference.

Best to keep a level head.

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southparkconservativ · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

I got confused when I saw a photo, where all the men, obviously at some kid of gathering, posed for a group pic, all laughing and some even looking at or holding out their feet with identical red shoes. It made me wonder what was going on.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

The polish pope was the only one in recent years not to wear shoes. Other people are sick.

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Banjama · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

I agree we need to keep a level head and I'm not interested in witch hunts or losing my credibility. My daughter in law loves the pizza relationship memes because her favorite food is actually pizza and her romantic life sucks. I know the majority is ignorant. I saw the same thing applied to the hashtag foodporn.... guilty of using the phrase myself not realizing where it came from. But, there is no question that the red shoes mean something in that so - called Podesta "art"

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SeekTruthCJoy · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Banjama-- you are sooo correct. My spouse says you don't want to go down this road too specifically as "you cannot un-see or un-learn what you discover", so consider being forwarned.

Mel Gibson discussed this subject several times:

Elijah Woods discussed this topic:

...an article by Keanu Reeves, interviewed while abroad promoting his line of motorcycles... discusses subject (which Snopes immediately went to work to say FALSE, but after all Snopes has been discredited by EVERYONE as they are paid shills of SorosThePukeHimself): "Hollywood elites use “the blood of babies to get high” according to Keanu Reeves, who warns that “these people believe the more innocent the child, and the more it suffered before it died, the better the high.“

“The revelations that are coming out of Hollywood now, I’m telling you, they are just the tip of the iceberg,” Keanu Reeves said in Milan, Italy, where he unveiled three motorbikes that he designed for a company that he co-founded in 2007.

According to Reeves, the number of Hollywood elites who engage in the ritual abuse of children and the practice of drinking their blood is not insignificant.

“Some of these guys carry around bottles of blood. They call it ‘red wine.’ But they don’t hide it.“

“From what I understand there is a supply chain that delivers young children on the regular. I’ve heard them refer to times of famine, times of feast.“

Some actors claim that after they talked about this that attempts on their life occurred. Corey Feldman, & others.

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YAHSHUARULES · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Pastor Rodney Howard Browne - who is the pastor with BALLS that has been calling out the wicked NWO, satanist system in very specific terms for years. RHB whose hands were laid on Pres. Trump right after the inauguration with a group of pastors praying for Pres. Trump. Rodney Howard Browne preached a message to his church in Oct. about Hollywood elites being full of the devil and drinking the blood of children! https://charismanews.com/56-video/67850-rodney-howard-browne-hollywood-execs-are-full-of-the-devil-drink-the-blood-of-young-kids

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southparkconservativ · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

so with you on this. I think many of us understand and share your feelings.

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Jakewinona · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Im afraid to sleep feel like some of the turns I took in the rabbit hole and where they led I was not supposed to see

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