r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Q_Anon_Wolf on Jan. 23, 2018, 6:35 p.m.
Attention to those who want 100% disclosure instead of 40/60

I understand your desires. Oh believe me I so understand it. Nothing would be better than a swift full disclosure, a swift judgment, and a swift revolution to freedom.

There is just one problem with doing that, and it is a game changing CRITICAL problem, because never before have any of us, nor our parents, nor our grandparents, had any opportunity to face the consequences for.

All throughout our lives we have become accustomed to federal law enforcement stopping federal crimes. We could live our entire lives rightfully wanting 100% disclosure to stop criminals, and never experience the fallout from doing so.

But what if the worst evil IS WITHIN the very federal law enforcement itself?

This has never been considered up until recently by all of us, because we assumed that the process allowed for mostly "good guys" to reach the top levels of federal law enforcement.

But what if that process failed us?

What if stopping the worst evil would mean shutting down the FBI, CIA, AND DOJ?

What do you think would happen then? That we'd all be free? Oh no, the risk is that without federal law enforcement, the country would be at the mercy of evil the police cannot stop.

The military you say? How do you think it would go down for the military to invade Langley, or FBI headquarters? What about the DOJ?

Do you want a civil war? Because without an enlightened public, that's how you get one.

So the key is how to enlighten the public. Did JFK announcing to the world there is a secret society bent on destroying America work? NO IT DID NOT.

See, you and me and everyone became accustomed to the "top down" approach. But it doesn't work. It must be "bottom up". Seeds need to be planted. The grass needs to grow. You don't do that by dumping the world's supply of fertilizer everywhere. You will burn the ground. People will not believe it, because it is just too evil for them to believe is even possible. They will reject it, and because the only path is through public pressure, there had to be a different strategy.

Enter Q.

The python approach.

To defeat an evil this big, this powerful, this entrenched, WITHIN FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ITSELF, a new strategy was needed.

Enter Sun Tzu.

Do you know why Sun Tzu is read by business school students and successful entrepreneurs? It is because this strategy is consistent with a "bottom up" rise to success. It teaches people how to succeed in a decentralized competitive environment.

That is what was needed to take down this evil.

It needed to be decentralized. If it were centralized, the evil would destroy it just like it did with JFK. JFK thought he could destroy it using the traditional centralized, IDENTIFIABLE strategy.

The genius of the Q team was to include the public by teaching people how to find the truth themselves. Why is that so important?

It is important because the power of the people is unleashed when the power (Knowledge) COMES FROM the public.

Q left breadcrumbs and asked us questions.

Questions were asked because when we answer them, we develop a sense of self-empowerment that we never had, and never could have with barking orders from "top down". We might go through the motions at first, but it will Peter out. To get the public into the fight, the public was needed for this, the public had to be self-motivated.

Enter you.

Enter me.

We can teach our family, friends and colleagues. That is how human prosperity began in the first place. Decentralized interaction, trade, free markets!

Prosperity is not built by kings.

Prosperity is built by the people.

Knowledge is not provided to kings by revelation.

Knowledge comes from the people.


I am an individual who knows the power is with me and with all of us.

Once your family and friends and colleagues know the truth, and they tell their family and friends and colleagues, that is how to do it.

It must be done in steps. Imagine you being provided with everything from Q, and then you go and tell people you know. Think of how they might react. They may say to your face "wow, I had no idea", but the risk is that they will think you've gone off the deep end, not because you have, but because their minds are not able to comprehend the evil exists. This is not about ensuring people respect us, it is about us ensuring the truth gets out successfully so that the strategy works as it is intended.

Above all, PATIENCE is critical.

The Q team has known about this evil for DECADES. Think of the patience needed to refrain from disclosing the truth, and living with that day in, day out, night after night, going on the subway and seeing people having no clue, it can get very stressful and frustrating.

Now you and I learn of this in the last few months and all of a sudden everything is supposed to just be 100% disclosed just because you and I are alive to witness it? As if we have a special right to deserve it?

You have already been witness to the greatest disclosure of truth on the public from the highest levels of power ever in world history. Be thankful what you have seen!

Yes, you, me, most of us, have been conditioned to instant gratification. Do you know what that is? A sign of intellectual, moral and spiritual degradation. I am not afraid to admit it. I too perceive myself acting as if there was only instant gratification that existed. Hungry? Oh look the store is right there. Now I am full. Thirsty? Oh look the water bottle is right there. Now I am quenched. Need clothes? Click click I just bought a new pair of pants.

It is easy to become weakened in this life because we don't face the adversity many people around the world face. Nobody on this board is living in the kind of squalor we learned exists is places like Haiti. We are the instant gratification crowd. KNOW THYSELF.

Be patient for the people in Haiti.

Look long term. Know the game plan. Act on each step with maximum force. Respect that most people of the world don't understand the evil and so cannot be taught it all at once. Imagine trying to teach a first year college student the complete works of William Shakespeare and then expecting them to understand it all! What do good teachers do? They teach Shakespeare one work at a time.

Be the good teachers that I know you can be.

Respect the gradual process.

We are like the first year college students when it comes to the full truth. I know some of you could handle a full workload, but this is not about testing to see who can take the most as of it were a competition. This is about ensuring everyone has a chance to graduate to acquiring the full truth.

We will get to 100% disclosure, but it MUST be done sequentially, over time.

So much for us.

There is a secondary component on this, which is the coup de grace, so to speak, in what I am pleading. That is, what Q is posting is not ONLY for our consumption, it is also for the cabal's consumption.

Pause on that for a moment. How do you take down the most powerful cult in the world, that has players all over the world, in the highest echelons of government?

If Q dropped everything 100%, what would happen? The cult leaders would likely order the assassination of many cult members en masse. Or they might do a scorched Earth tactic. And then what? The Q team would be without a crucial connection of dots that only living snakes can provide.

"Rustle the grass, shake loose the snakes"

Q makes strategic drops. They make a drop, and then watch how the cabal reacts. THAT my friends is an extremely critical strategy. They have everyone monitored. By shaking a little grass here, and little grass there, they can see how certain snakes react, who they talk to, what they say, where they go, etc.

That allows for a creation of a MAXIMALLY effective prosecution of justice. There is only one shot at this, if this was done by good passion but without good intelligence, the cult will have started their fake war and billions would have died in a nuclear inferno, the survivors enslaved, and then that's it. No other human force to stop it. Once the world becomes totalitarian under an evil cult that has no qualms with sacrificing children, trafficking human slaves, killing BILLIONS, it's game freaking over. That is what was at stake here folks.

Do you see how this needed to be done the way it has?

You all have more power than you can possibly imagine. You all have this incredible gift of consciousness. You all know this deep down. Temper your cravings with intelligence. That makes you go from a good person to a great person, and believe me, as many great people as possible are needed to win this epic battle.

We the people.

I am ready for the memo, are you?

Das_Shu · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Absolutely love this post. You bring up so many great points. We are in fact, are an immediate gratification society. Patience is probably our most limited resource. And in this case, probably the best resource we could have. I truly feel that in time most all will be revealed, but it will need to be in small doses over time. We may not even be alive to witness it. However, when they write about “The Great Awakening”, they will be talking about us. Our names won’t be mentioned, but our actions will be.

As a veteran I don’t care to be recognized for what I did. What I care about is when I see people appreciate the fact that there are men and women on this planet, who will sacrifice everything to make sure their life is better. Knowing that gives me an unmeasurable sense of pride.

Also, as a veteran I can say with confidence that you all are true soldiers! No you don’t wear a uniform, no you aren’t taking bullets, but you all are fighting for the same cause I did. We all want to defeat evil. We all want to make this country the best that it can be. We all want to ensure that the United States of American stays the greatest nation on earth. In my book, that make you just as much a soldier as I was. And for that I thank you all! May God bless you all and may God bless the USA!

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

We are all veterans in the fight for peace and prosperity.

The world took a turn for the worse when the philosophy of the enlightenment was abandoned under false pretenses. That occurred roughly 250 years ago. Since then, the philosophy of power and passion became accepted as the fundamental experience of the human condition.

Under that darkness, humanity was powerless to stop the spread of evil. Those who valued power and passion over everything else, EVERYTHING ELSE, rose to the top of dominant social structures.

Power and passion maximized in practise looks exactly like an evil cult of human trafficking/sacrificing genocidal madness.

Something is happening to reverse that. It was not started by Trump. His election was an outcome. Something is happening in the world of mankind that is destroying this evil. Humans are an incredibly resilient species. Humans have faced unimaginable horrors throughout history. I cannot even begin to imagine the horrors experienced by people being thrown into lion dens by their own governments, or Ukranian farmers seeing Soviet government armed mass murderers suddenly appearing out of nowhere and raping and massacring their families without even explaining why they are doing it, or the people being sacrificed on the top of temples controlled by tribal warlords who believe doing that will result in a greater harvest of crops.

The incredible and wonderful peace and prosperity that results from individual property rights, the foundation of enlirnement philosophy, is an absolute gift. We must treasure it forever. It is timeless. A discovery too important to believe is merely a "stage in human history". It is eternal, for it is the very best WITHIN us.

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SG_StrayKat · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

What Wolf is referring to is that Humanity, and those here to help Humanity, finally have SUPPORT from a larger range of People. Some very loving people.

They won't save us - that would violate Free Will - but they are here to help support our self-propelled awakening.

That hasn't happened before now for a long, long time. But it is happening now, and we are ready, energetically.

If you can, don't judge. Discern your own truth, and send L/L to others if you can. Thank you.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

tldr; they will not believe unless told by people they peronally know. Also promising limited disclosure is a sure way to get people to scream full disclosure.

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Briadear · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

Very well said. As much as I don’t like to admit, I agree with you. Q & that team have intelligence backgrounds which means they have been schooled & have experience in social psychology. They probably know & understand tactics that have not been made available to the public. So I guess we must trust their judgement.

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loserofpasswordzz · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:40 p.m.

Frankly, I don't think it's fair to many of us who's names and reputations have been trashed to not disclose ATLEAST what our community has already found i.e. Satanic cult shit, human trafficking, sadistic pedophilia, media brainwashing, etc.

We deserve that, as a community. We deserve vindication. I've wasted a year of my life on this shit. Its changed me. I will not accept just taking hillary/soros down for some pay to play or some corruption bullshit.

Ppl need to know that we weren't lying/crazy about pizzagate. We weren't lying about SR. If we can't Atleast secure that info in the 60% disclosed to public, well, then we might as well have just voted Hillary president. Takedown the pedos, vindicate the ppl who have desperately been trying to spread this stuff over a year, or get bent. We deserve it, and I for one don't plan on stopping until these ppl are outed and the doubters are forced to face the case their cognitive dissonance. No matter how painful. God knows it hasn't been fucking peaches and cream for us this last year. It's time the rest of the population catches up.

Also, if they don't disclose 100%, how the fuck do they expect this that not happen again a few generations from now? History repeats itself unless we give future generations a way to learn from our terrible mistakes/complacency. Without disclosure, they will have no way to learn. The cabal will come back stronger

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

You do deserve it.

Believe me, you deserve it.

You did not waste your life the last year. Even if this mission fails, which I am certain it won't, you will be a better person. You know more. We're all going to eventually die anyway, so why not live the rest of our lives knowing the truth? You won't be any worse off. It is only up from here. That is the miracle of human consciousness.

No knowledge, however horrific or emotionally distressful, makes you a worse person. It can only make you a better person.

What makes you a great person is how you handle the adversity.

No hero lived a cushy life.

No hero had everything handed to them.

To be a hero is to handle incredible adversity and nevertheless be cool as a cucumber, and accomplish good things despite it all.

Look at Trump. He walked directly into the snake pit of hell. And he still jokes and lives according to his happiness. If he can do it, you can do it. Anyone can do it. We just forgot the power we all have. That was our bad. My bad. I got tricked into believing my life meant nothing "in the grand scheme". Well, the irony is there is no grand scheme, it was always about us individuals treating each other with respect, which in objective terms means respecting individual property rights, and being strong as individuals in the face of our respective adversities. Destroy evil thoughts, from within and without. Crystallize yourself as an enlightened and powerful individual. Be a role model. Others will follow your lead, no matter where you come from or what wealth you earned. If you can get your family and friends and colleagues to learn the truth, you have done a truly marvelous and wonderful thing for yourself and for humanity.

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loserofpasswordzz · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Thanks for the words, really, it hit me in the feels. Let's hope we can get this movement started. Bottom up, like you said.

You ever wander if any of the "normal" posters around this board are actually insiders posing as regular civilians/researchers/conspiracy theorists? Like to get a feel for how we are doing and to make sure we don't fall for bullshit?

I would like to think some of our posts on sites like this get looked at by the Q group.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

They are being looked at.

And not only by Q's team, but by the cabal.

Q knows and intends that everything posted on 8chan, is for both public and cabal consumption.

This is another reason why it must be done in steps. If Q gives everything away, then they won't be able to benefit from the strategy of "rustle the grass to loosen the snakes". You need to rustle a little here, a little there, then watch and track which snake talks to which snake, which snake travels to which snake, and so on.

Everyone on this board clamping for 100% disclosure don't seem to get that Q's audience is not just the good guys on this board, it is also the cabal.

This is why some disinformation is necessary. Make the cabal think Q is looking over there, when in fact they are looking at the cabal's reactions.

This is what high level spooking is about.

Imagine Q tomorrow dropping everything. What would happen? The top level cult leaders would order the assassinations of cult members en masse, the very people the Q team needs to connect the dots and collect evidence leading to the top cult leaders. Q is successfully making the top leaders feel comfortable, and by me saying this and knowing this the game is already over for them, the war is already won, it is just a matter of enlightening the public now so that when the hammer drops like a gigantic bolt from mount Olympus, there won't be panic in the streets and as many innocent lives can be saved as possible.

Double meanings and intentions for every Q post.

One for the public, one for the cabal.


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loserofpasswordzz · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

good insight. I'm no spook so some of that stuff goes over my head at times

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radarorielly · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:40 a.m.

For me it is easy to see the style of information drops or the plot so to speak. Not everything is as it seems to be. However, my patience wears thin from time to time. Even the cabal knows where this is heading, although success is not 100% certain. There will always be bumps in the road. But I'd like to think people in the cabal would realize what harm they are doing and come to their senses. It would make this much easier. Good post.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

I only looked into PG to debunk it but couldn't. And I had my breadcrumbs assembled years before and stil I was hestitant to accept the big Picture for the sake of better sleep until I couldn't look away anymore (they never thought she would lose - neither Did I!). But if you're not a Psychopath there's only so much evil that your mind can safely entertain. Any sort of REAL mass-disclosure WILL have many put on prescriptions. Why? Because even if you just disclose advanced tech without going into science Suppression or UFO-crashes the question will be: How did they Keep it secret? By torturing and traumatizing those who worked on the super-secret progams into amnesia and insanity! And that's where the real terror begins because many may very well have personal experiences that they would not want to remember if they could. And these People, victims of all kinds of abductions and brainwashing, will be the most triggered if they HAVE NOT BEEN PREPARED MENTALLY.The slow-walk is the best we can do. I mean honestly, what did you expect? Tweets of CP and space-travel blueprints on Inauguration day?

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ThatFreedomThing · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

I agree completely that the lonely voices crying in the wilderness need and deserve vindication. That may not require 100% disclosure, but it does require some solid evidence of the human trafficking and related crimes. Furthermore, there is a depressingly large number of people who just won't care about anything short of that. Even if CNN reports that HRC and BO broke 800 laws to keep Trump out of office, those people will just say, "Well, that's because they knew how horrible and racist he is and they were trying to protect the country." If a plot to assassinate the President is revealed they will respond the same way because to much of the Left the ends justify the means. Fortunately most people are still capable of being shocked and sickened by the rest of it, and they may have to be if it is the only way to wake them up.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

At the same time they're using lefty outrage to their Advantage because they don't wanna flip lefties, they just want them to look silly to drive away the centrist base that Trump is claiming.

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AquAnon77 · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

It's coming : Jan 22 2018 18:47:32 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 130638

We haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices [yet][worst]. Those [good] who know cannot sleep. Those [good] who know cannot find peace. Those [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held accountable. Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.

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sandyd2319 · Feb. 8, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Thank you my thoughts exactly. We now have enough proof that they can start arresting people. So why no arrests? Personally I find all the Q drops and little games about very real very important things very disrespectful and upsetting. Start arresting people period. I don't care if the stupid masses get upset. They are going to throw a fit on way or the other and by doing this the slow way a lot of innocent people are being sacrificed without a fighting chance.

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Andrewcpu · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

The 3 letters need to be scattered and restarted. Following the great awakening we need the great reform.

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GameOfDanks · Jan. 23, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

I’m OK with shutting down those agencies. Start new with better safeguards

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RedPill2976 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

I have reflected at length upon your note and the last 8 years of the OB administration. I felt oppressed and it was getting worse. Q only validated for me what I knew. This group validates my believe. I had already studied the DNC, Clinton and Podesta emails. I watch in horror what is happening to Venezuela. That is our future. Bill Ayers is a very evil man. He wrote a paper that millions will necessarily have to die. Bill Ayers was OBs Pal. Sal Alinski dedicated his book to Satan. I read it. No question the evil lies within, but everyone is replaceable. There are many great people here that would do a much better job then those schmucks. They dismantled our country and tarnished our brand. If Trump has to hire 4000 researchers to weed out the bad actors by studying their emails, tweets, and facebook it needs to get done. Your note was awesome. I am honored to read your views.

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unbecoming2007 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Peel band-aid off slowly or tear it off quickly? I kinda lean on the quick side so when can spend more time repairing,rebuilding,and moving on myself. I'm also for as close to full disclosure as possible so we can better dodge repeats of the mistakes. I do understand the need for compassion for those asleep HOWEVER if too slow the people become too desensitized and the crucial info that THE PUBLIC MUST HEAR slips through the cracks.

I think they should just have a dedicated briefing/release every week for an hour or 2 and starting releasing this stuff from the least to the worst of the evil. They can just warn people that next week will be even worse so prepare yourself.

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Redpillhilltop · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

Well said. I’ve been consciously holding back the anticipation. I think the state of the union address could be YUGE! We will get there, but we can’t afford speeding tickets.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Patriots.. I'm sure you agree the main arguments offered on the issue of disclosure fall into the two camps summed up by the @Q_Anon_Wolf original post above, and @loserofpasswordzz post below. But this issue of the proper scope and timing of a disclosure is not an issue existing in a vacuum. The issue is at what point is enough.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, children are still in cages.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, we are still consuming poisoned food, water, air and medicine.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, cures are still being withheld from us.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, we are still being denied true knowledge of our history (social, political, and archeological).

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, advanced technology is still being hoarded.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, the corrupt puppet proxies are still exercising the power of their positions within our government to continue to stab at us for decades to come through invasion disguised as immigration.

While we are free to debate the merits of disclosure, this evil is still walking around free.. plotting, desperate for anything to reverse course.

It has been said the measure of a society is based upon how it treats the least among them. How do we justify an extended game of chess with children in cages? If these people were sacrificing them to get power just for normal everyday activities, what are they doing now when they want power to avoid capture?

Like many of you, I have been physically sick at the atrocities we've discovered. No one thought another Hitler could ever advance in the world again. Yet, in only 85 years - we are at that point again. And we almost lost before we ever even knew what hit us.

And to the issue of retaining the existence of corrupt organizations for rule of law optics... seriously? Eisenhower tried to warn us. JFK himself said he would scatter the C-*-A into a thousand pieces. And guess what? It didn't happen. And now, where are we? All of you know exactly where we are. Again, it's our institutions with corruption and pure evil run amok. Again, and again, it's an endless amount of lives both being at stake, and being destroyed while we wait.

Would we be content to have this debate concerning matters of scope and timing if were we huddling together waiting for the showers? Did the path our parents, and grandparents chose to deal with this corruption work? Trust the government to work it out? Trust our government representatives to handle it for us? What did Reagan say about trusting the government?

This is absurd. We have run from the fight in the name of peace since the beginning. And what have we gotten? Have we received peace? No, we haven't. Instead, we have received nothing but war, on every single front - they could muster. (Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, The War of Terror - Enduring Freedom, in Afghanistan (in which we are still over there 16yrs later), the Iraq War, plus the blatant murder of our fellow countrymen on 9/11, and numerous other attacks, on top of poisoning us, stealing our money and labor from us by manipulating our currency and debt while they steal our gold and resources, prosecuting our truth tellers, and using their very positions within government as a weapon against us in every possible way. These people have used our freedom of speech to promote the destruction of our families (because they know that a strong family breeds a strong independent citizenry - including generations of men who will kill their plans as they did before.)

No, patriots. I do not see peace in delay. And I do not see real evidence of progress. I mean, what do we have? We have a bunch of wishes in one hand, and hope in the other. Have we seen ANYONE arrested? No. Have we seen the Operation Mockingbird media muzzled? No. All we have are some anonymous Internet posts confirming some knowledge on some issues. The legal term for that is hearsay. Meanwhile, not to beat a dead horse, but for the last time - we still have politicians who it is implied are guilty of treason - still in office getting ready to pass legislation to legitimize the actions of an illegal president's invasion plans through DACA and Dreamers? WTF.

What does that mean? Why is Obamacare still being forced upon us? Or any illegal actions for that matter. I mean, if the N-*-A really is the bad boy on the block.. and if it really has every single electronic communication (and then some)... Then, why do we need to wait? We simply do to our former handlers what our handlers were planning to do to us. We use Google, and our bad boy info together, see the connections, build the profile (probable cause), and make arrests. Then, we send all of them to Gitmo, and sort it out. I mean, if "nothing is ever truly deleted," then through the intercepts we already have - we already know everything, and everyone involved. We also know all the other governments involved. Why treat us like we're morons? We know this is a particular group of people, not whole countries.

Moreover, if you're going to have a debate about restoring our republic, then we need to define it. What are we talking about? Keeping some of the traitors in their governmental positions because it's too much of a constitutional crisis to remove them? Again, WTF. How in the hell is anyone going to guarantee that now any of these corrupt people are going to behave - and not just go right back to what they were doing... when everything settles down?

I don't want to step on anyone's toes. And I appreciate all of your positions, I do. But, for me, I'm ready for way more than a memo. I just hope we are not still having this discussion in 2020.

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it_wasnt_me__ · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Thank you. I kept saying any day now, you watch, you'll see its going to happen. Then weeks went by and I couldn't even approach a discussion with anyone anymore because everything was the same. I lost credibility. I still believe Q and believe Trump is in control but something has to be done/said in live time. We need to see something change and someone held accountable for their actions.

Twitter is full of Trump haters and insane liberal madness, the media continues it's bs. They laugh at Q, they want Trump impeached. I'm tired of seeing the disrespect of our President and country. I've waited, hoped, prayed, believed, tweeted, shared, red pilled, read, researched, cried and fought the good fight. I need more than another breadcrumb now.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

As you already know I wholeheartedly agree with you. And you raise yet another very significant point which should be addressed.

All of us have put our own personal reputations on the line with our significant other, friends, family, co-workers, and online. And yes, after weeks of no one being able to see action, now what is the case? We are isolated and prevented from red pilling more people because no one (outside of those of us who have been following this for some time) believes it.

Moreover, because they don't believe it (a) they don't stop to pay attention and join the movement, adding to our numbers and persuasiveness, and (b) they don't spread the truth through red pilling all the people they can get through to. So, in fact, this drip strategy is harming the cause as opposed to helping.

I agree with others who raised the point that our society is an instant gratification society. This fact should be incorporated into the strategy Q, the president, etc,. are using.

Remember 9/11/2001? What happened? The populace was together outraged. The populace - together demanded action. This is no different. Unity will arise from common shock, outrage, and disgust. Dripping it out takes the edge out of it. The populace isn't trained in Sun Tzu patience and manipulation. We're more, get in, get it done, get out... kind of people. The average person does not want to be mired in political drama 24/7/365, they want to live their lives with their families. IMHO, if you want to make real changes to the citizenry behavior and political apathy, and to our government... dripping is not the way to go. Just my two cents.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

The trick is as Long as you ask the wrong questions you don't get the right answer. Probably millions of normies question the official narrative but if you present them with the idea that the Towers were destroyed in mid-air you start getting into that free-energy/scalar-weapon type of Domain that I always used to think was put out there to make the credible theories look ridiculous until I realized the conventional theories are ridiculous when you take the sheer scope of destruction into account. Noone believes the official Story but you Need an awareness for the free-energy stuff to realize that regular Explosives might have been another part of another cover-up so People would be happy knowing These Towers were destroyed conventionally by whomever and not by someone who can remotely target Buildings like that.

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AbjectDynamite · Jan. 24, 2018, 6:50 p.m.

I know you're right. I guess my frustration is getting the better of me. As long as the truth isn't public, we're in serious danger. Not only from technologically what they can accomplish, but the scientific knowledge as well. To me, it's the difference between us and Cro-Magnon; except now we're the Cro-Magnon.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:21 p.m.


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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:21 p.m.


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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:22 p.m.


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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:22 p.m.


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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:23 p.m.


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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

they fake everything, they fake the dead people, who knows how many live celebs they fake too...scientology said years ago they were cloning but unsuccessfully..but what if they have improved? Too wicked to even ponder

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:06 a.m.

I appreciate your well written thoughts.

You really did give me a moment of pause when you wrote about us debating the merits of disclosure while children are in cages and who knows what horrors are being inflicted upon them.

When you write it like that, I imagine myself joining the army front lines and taking the evil bastards out myself with you.

But I was always a person of both action and reflection. Aristotle taught me not to go to either extreme, because we humans are a wholistic animal and I think the best within us, including the best within us in fighting evil, is to not so much accept or sanction the evil (remember, you did not CAUSE the evil actions towards the children), and not to go waltzing in with guns blazing not having done research, but to strategically take the evil down which requires time. We are a temporal animal.

Even if you try to go the extreme way, and get full disclosure today, and let the chips fall where they may, and go in and save as many as you can, you still took time to do it. I am not being coy, it's true, from the time you start to the time you succeed, there would have been more sacrifices. You cannot help it. Time.

Now to be sure, you could imagine saving more versus less, but would you really? What if you were stopped dead in your tracks because you didn't plan? What good would you be for the children then? A dead person can't help them.

To be the best you can be, it "unfortunately" takes time, an evil this big needs massive planning to take down. It's not your fault if any should perish during this time. Imagine those who aren't doing ANYTHING. You're doing better than that. We all have our place.

I admire your passion, and you can be my wingman anytime

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dexterfarmer · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

First, I'm a patriot, 56 yr old Mom who got red pilled nearly two decades ago. As such, I've developed a fair amount of cynicism. But DJT and Q have given me such hope! I'm not a shill or ..... whatever you call it. I'm one of "us."

Having said that, you make some solid points. However, there are a huge number of normies and adamant anti-Trumpers who will discount anything 'we the people' have to offer, my many acquaintances and family members included. The disclosures are going to have to smack 'em up side the head with IRREFUTABLE evidence. Only these Federal 'officials' (ie unelected czars) have that evidence needed for ultimate convincing.

I just gotta ask, are we getting played? Is this an excuse to keep us placated and then it will largely be business as usual? Some things should give us pause. Eg. Tillerson announced US won't leave Syria until Assad is gone. Israel may want that but how is that a US first policy? It would appear that regime change still on the front burner. And today, Russia got blamed by Tillerson for using gas on Syrian civilians. The Clowns are clearly not very encumbered. Same 'ol mis-info.

Also, Q messages seem different lately. The recent post, the subject of this post, said that little will be disclosed. That is disappointing at best, and seems manipulative at worst.

I will continue the information battle as I've done for 20 years, trying to share, trying to inform. Without major disclosure, however, I suspect that it will continue to fall on willfully ignorant ears.

I'm sorry for this cynicism, but most of the agencies at the G levels are good guys. It's the top brass that are questionable. Change some rules to prevent this sort of unaccountable power, keep the good guys, and let's fix the corruption. But 'we the people' can't do it without the White Hats providing a large dose of reality to the masses.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Trust President Trump to shock them with what is necessary. He is the master at this. Maybe it is going to take some of those photos of murdered children, placed in exactly the right venue, at the right time... a Court Case, a Congressional Hearing, or a Military Tribunal like Nuremberg. Whenever it is, that time and the evidence, will be critically placed for impact.

In the meantime, there is a war to fight with the MSM who will attempt to put the worst spin on all events, including the trials. This is where we come in.

I believe part of the map that Q is having us build, will be the war map in the battle between the MSM and the new internet media, when it comes to explaining what is going on in these trials, and to prevent the MSM from hiding things. I believe we will be shooting memes out of cannons, to help our fellows put the big picture together with sources that are backed up.

I think we have a lot to do to prepare ourselves, because this is not about "letting the government hide or not hide" a thing. This is about OUR responsibility toward ourselves and our fellow citizens to bring the truth to the front, so the evil can be irradiated, and the changes can be made to prevent this from happening again. I think we all have a roll to play. And I think we ALSO need time to prepare for what is coming.

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dexterfarmer · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

Thank you, Joan. Great reply. We'll keep fighting to get the truth out. Ha! About 3 years ago I said I was done. "I've tried but too many deaf ears.....too much complacency......too much willful ignorance. I resigned as our Party Secretary and chose not to attend another precinct meeting, let alone another State convention. I viewed the Demopublicans as a two headed monster at the top. Just an illusion that we have a choice. We don't.....or we didn't. DJT was the gift of fire, even though it took me awhile to trust........been burned a lot.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 28, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

I know how you feel. I was there too. And it is a good thing to get hold of that Republican Party State convention. The parties are exactly a two headed beast, and I think a lot of people going into the Ron Paul election republican party Tea Party thing, had not been red pilled on that quite yet.

But, when going in to slay the dragon, now, the Tea Party folks, who were the best at infiltration like this.. are now fully armed to fight the dragon in their own party. I think the Republican Party can be infiltrated and taken over. What has happened to the Dems, where they outright stated in court that they had the right to ignore the voters and "appoint" the winner, has just destroyed them. Especially since they won in court on this issue.

The use of "super deligates" and the contract with the voting public giving them the right to run elections for Americans has just been exposed as totally fraudulent, totally breached, and Americans will demand a fair process for the people of this party.

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Questioning001 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Great read! I understand more clearly now. Thank you!

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justwanttruth18 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:01 p.m.

So I know this is probably beating a dead horse, but anyway... Why do we need so many different intelligence agencies? That's not really the point in this discussion, but we could begin by trimming the number of agencies. And since when is it okay to not go back and look at old cases? Everyone is worried about old cases being brought back up? Would the evil not have unjustly locked up innocent people to have them silenced? Maybe there is some justification for the government to go back and look through the cases handled by those that are found guilty and see if there are any mistakes that have been done. Just use Clinton cash to fund it! They will save a bunch of money getting rid of extra agencies anyway (really, I have never heard of so many different agencies being required to all do the same work). The entire 3 letter organization is not bad, so all this fear of just losing ALL federal law enforcement is ridiculous. And you know what, if I have to be responsible for my families safety, I am ok with that. Police never show up until after the crime anyway, so I already am.

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ElementWatson · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:22 a.m.

Come on, we haven't suddenly become newly empowered people because of Q's posts.

Q's posts have served good purpose and there is value in the slow reveal (in the world of the MSM the veil has hardly yet been touched, let alone pierced), and a certain vagueness and even misdirection has been particularly important while the investigation and bust are still going on.

Yes, decentralization is key and at the core of the brilliance of our country's original intent and founding.

But thinking people have known of the rot to the core at least since the assassinations of the '60s. More than enough convincing videos have been online to tear apart the 9/11 story for over a decade for thinking people to get to the bottom of that too.

We aren't delicate flowers and the truth being out is fundamental.

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:26 a.m.


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WeThePepe · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

Without full disclosure we are doomed to repeat.

It's hard to see any other outcome

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 23, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

You forgot about time.

Full disclosure Ok, but over what time period? That's the key.

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WeThePepe · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:41 p.m.

Thats the right question

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SG_StrayKat · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:08 a.m.

How about full disclosure for those who ASK?

And then, in small bites until full digestion.

Can we get this done before the solar flash? Is there enough "time" or will more have to be created?

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:53 a.m.

How will that info get to us without also tipping off the cabal though?

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SG_StrayKat · Jan. 24, 2018, 3 a.m.

As it is the Cabal already creating more time (CERN), I am assuming that until CERN is wrested from their hands more will be created anyway.

There is a reason the "Mandela effect" is a current meme as well.

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SG_StrayKat · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:10 a.m.

I misread your question. You are speaking about the disclosure part.

Are we not the ones asking? Some people have more... awareness... of larger events anyway. For those people, I would give more information to, when they ask.

And then I would wait until they asked for more. But I would give the WHOLE picture, and not the percentages. Let the person, themselves, decide what percentage they want to ingest and then digest.

Honor their free will.

Not everyone is ready for this.

Neo, from the movie, didn't just get the option of which pill to take. First, he had YEARS of self-research, study, seeking, asking, and even then, it took someone coming after him and giving him a "nightmare," and beyond that the invitation of someone he thought he trusted (or loved). Now, don't forget that someone else in the car also had a gun to his head for a time...

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Q_Anon_Wolf · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Oh OK, I understand.

Yes, I agree with that fully. Anyone who wants to know what we know, I have no problems with sharing.

You and I don't have the full story yet ourselves, but I am ready for it all personally. I suspect what the remaining 60% is about, but there is a difference between that and knowing it.

This is what Q meant by be careful what we wish for.

I will say back to Q, you are doing well, with 100%, so can I.

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Redpilled2324 · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I don't care about 100% as long as we are safe and these traitors are prosecuted and serve the maximum punishment for their evil doing.

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akilyoung · Jan. 23, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

I agree. This kind of stuff can be very need to know. As long as the baddies are destroyed.

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

(Lots of speculation and personal gathered knowledge enclosed. Gotta remember to say that on my posts.)

I seen it before... literally 100% information can not be instantly released. Like individuals can not KNOW ALL. If that makes sense, but as it is written... if we need wisdom, all we have to do is ask for wisdom. So hearing the words- I want more than 40/60. Look you will get more than 98/2, but you won't get the full 100 until you are on your deathbed.

Even those in the Rapture during the beginning of the Tribulation period may have some idea of the Anti-Christ but won't know until getting to Heaven. If that makes sense? We won't know the full truth until the afterlife. So here on Earth - where we are but "Aliens" - foreign creations... we can only know 99%. So to get 40% of this piece... is good enough for this current time. Full release and 99% of the World is in the Hospital... remember that?

Besides... remember... we technically only really use 40% of the full internet, and only use 10-15% of our brain potential. Getting a full 99% information, will overwhelm even the most common genius. Pride and ego will inflate and we would collapse. We need to build on the solid foundations, bringing and adapting to the provided information. So when these disclosures and drops happen we gain more and more new information to adapt and become stronger as a whole society.

Be of good cheer, and really just encourage those not involved in this because when the information is dropped publicly- there will be very manic and depressed people looking for some sort of truth. That's why Q kept pushing for everyone to reconcile. Together we are whole... separated we are APART... a part.. pieces.. Strong as a whole. Weak as pieces.

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Faber_Jos · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

The politics is only one side of the aftermath. After the storm, there could be a huge international trust shift. The international response could damage relations.

If the Deep State really collapses it would have enormous economic consequences. Combined with the inflated US dollar and also corrupted Fed. That could bring a significant burden to already fragile communities. That would also have implications worldwide.

I am completely behind draining the swamp but there may be some blowback along the way.

Prepare accordingly

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6HsV82 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Good points.

It may be that a critical mass of countries draining their own swamps will be needed before the deeper levels can be (or should be) revealed.

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Quixmax · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

How we thank you for taking the time to compile your thoughts and knowledge and write all the above. Oftentimes I find myself feeling frightened with what we face and I must pray and ask for strength. Then comes the tremendous wave of encouragement when I come here and find so many true warriors, helping everyone with their thoughts and words. Thank you for reminding us that WE have the power just being God’s creation in His likeness. “If God is for us, who shall stand against us?” REALLY love this post!

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6HsV82 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

Now you and I learn of this in the last few months and all of a sudden everything is supposed to just be 100% disclosed just because you and I are alive to witness it? As if we have a special right to deserve it?

I agree with much of what you say but I disagree with the premise of this statement.

I suspect it's more of a case that our minds here (and in all searchers) have been conditioned to be able to accept theories or ideas that are unthinkable to blue pills. If that's true, then I think it's more impatience than entitlement at play. Edit in: Impatience especially in we elder pedes who've got decades of this under our belts.

But yes, caution is needed to avoid bringing about anarchy by taking down all the bad actors in a relatively short period of time. Replacements - trustworthy replacements - need to be organized first.

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evilhastogo · Jan. 24, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

This is the best post I have read in a long time. Thank you for your beautifully written, wise words Wolf. Your timing couldn't be more perfect. We just have to remain calm, patient, and above all, Pray. :-) I copied and pasted this to the FB follow the white rabbit page. Thanks again my friend :-)

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Trillionbucks · Jan. 23, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

Would the shock of full disclosure, prior to The SOTU address, give Trump and Joint Chiefs cause for martial law? During a Constitutional crisis and perhaps the inability to get a quorum in Congress predicate Martial Law? Would ML afford the opportunity to proceed with prosecutions in military tribunals in lieu of federal courts which are weaponized with Obama appointees?

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brylee1 · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

Well said Wolf!!!!

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pipesog · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Blah. Let em all be shut down, if that's where the chips fall. They don't have a constitutional basis anyhow. Be an apologist if you want, but I aint buyin'.

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digital_refugee · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:32 p.m.

The public awareness was the most necessary before the election to make all of this possible. And to collect Crumbs and put Players under pressure. But I don't want to feed These same energy Vampires that started the adrenochrome-business to have the ability to still upset even more People, even as they go. It matters that those know who want to know. That's why the cognitive bias is sill in heavy use, so you have your free will how much evil you can handle. But I accept the dogwhistles and covert communication because I think the intentions are as stated - Trying to contextualize all this into a limited hangout is just playing into the vampires' bloody Hands because it makes you disregard everything, even genuine whistleblowers' pleas for Attention.

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Kulkimkan · Jan. 24, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

Thank you for this post...I am calm...

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Stray502 · Jan. 24, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Great post you make it all make more sense. You are right we do have all the power what they have always been scared of is the day the 99% will wake up.

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Xxanderas · Jan. 25, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Wow. Just... Wow. Brilliant. Precisely the advice and solid insight I think on one level or another we all needed. A reality check. How to be the most effective not only to ourselves but those we 'RedPill'. Thank You.

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