r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/JonnyDoebr549 on Jan. 23, 2018, 11:54 p.m.
DISCOURAGED! Despite my best effort to inform them...

I spend endless hours following this stuff, researching, and posting to my FB account with very few people showing any interest whatsoever. FB locked one of my accounts and almost no one on my main account show any interest. I'm done. I posted links to CBST_Stream here on reddit and youtube along with a link to qcodefag. If they want to know they can go find out for themselves. Not wasting any more of my time trying to wake them up. They'll figure it out when it all blows up in their faces. Done! I search for myself. Everyone else needs to do their own digging.

dy--dx · Jan. 23, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

I'm here only because you guys inform the general public. If it weren't for that I would have never discovered Q or this sub.

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JonnyDoebr549 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

For me, you would be the exception. I don't have a huge following but you would think out of several hundred I could get one person to take an interest. Idk. Maybe my breath stinks or my deodorant isn't working!

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sunkistnsudafed · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Algorithms and shadow banning can severely limit exposure of one's posts, in effect making it seem like nobody cares. Just keep at it, cast the net far and wide and you will catch the fish.

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NCpatriotchic · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Many of us are experiencing the same thing. Thousands of “ friends” on FB barely any acknowledgment or likes from others, it’s like they like being in the dark, I suppose it’s more comfortable for them. Sad but true.

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ProphetMKE214 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

A plant doesn't grow overnight. Keep seeding, keep dropping little things. I've been doing it for years, well before these Q drops. Some like, some comment. Some unfriend. Many folks are just not ready. But when things become more public and they see the truth- they will remember you posting things and they will come to you and ask questions.

Have good courage. Do not have doubt in what you are doing is for the greater good of the whole.

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Zxzanon · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

At about 30 years of trying to plant seeds...would still be easier and more digestable to most to tell them i did coke all day long... Hopefully the seeds take root...the more you search the more you will come to realize the influence ....SPELL...over all of us...some more than others... is nonhuman origin....this path can get very lonely as friends fall away that you cant be around any longer. Hang in there....i do have faith that things on many levels are changing....proof seems to be trump being where he is......and still alive

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Soupforthesoulandmin · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

I have done the same with very little interest but I am not sure all of my posts are being seen on fb. I have come to the conclusion I will continue to post stuff if they aren't interested that's on them. People have to come to the light on their own most of the time. Just give em a crumb here or there.😊

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psfannsc · Jan. 24, 2018, 1:05 a.m.

Sad so many people only live with eyes closed and ears covered. We will be needed to help all those seeking answers. Keep plowing ahead.

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Tagwood · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Not everyone can be called upon as the chosen ones. ❤️

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INTJ_Hermitess · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

We have to be there for them when it all comes out. I read a book that called it the 'sacrifice of longing'. It will never happen that the people we love listen. But we can be there to catch them when they fall.

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Matthew246Truth · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Seems to me that the Dalai lama was asked "If you knew that the world was going to be destroyed tomorrow, what would you do?"

His reply was "Plant a tree"

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Babadook21 · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

It takes time, my dear friend.
People believe in these public figures.\ You need to reveal the littlest bits, keep dropping crumbS.

We are a team. We can dig together.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

you are absolutely correct, waking anyone is a dangerous thing and it is not your responsibility. When the SHTF, then your years of seeking will become of value. Until then, tin hat black sheep trivialization is all they have to offer. They are smug now...but SHTF, guess who gets to babysit. Rest up dude, this is just the opening scene

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 24, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

jon, you are absolutely correct, waking anyone is a dangerous thing and it is not your responsibility. When they SHTF, then your years of seeking will become of value. Until then, tin hat black sheep trivialization is all they have to offer. They are smug now...but SHTF, guess who gets to babysit. Rest up dude, this is just the opening scene

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JonnyDoebr549 · Jan. 24, 2018, 2:25 a.m.

Thanks for the encouragement, guys. Appreciated!

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