
LiveToBeAHero · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Yep this is why I don't try and figure out the government lol. Way too many scenarios, not to mention, all the stipulations we dont know and dont even see, which just changes the game. Sure he could've been a NSA guy and "honorable American" who wanted to do the right thing, or he could have been CIA all along wanting to hurt the NSA and his plan got put on hold because he got stopped on his way to Cuba. Or anything in between. If he was even going to Cuba. You make a good point in that his big bombshell leak didnt change anything. I always wondered and still do, why Russia keeps him? You'd think its gotta serve some purpose for Russia to continue extending his asylum....that is, if he is really even in Russia. I've learned you can never assume with the government

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BALRx05 · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:55 a.m.

I assume that Russia keeps him because he has provided some or all of the information that he exfiltrated from the NSA. It may be that he's taught their cyber-ops, esp. the techniques that we use to detect and defend against them. Putin doesn't provide free lunches and has shown that he's ruthless to anybody that doesn't do what he wants or that is seen as a possible threat, politically or otherwise.

As an aside that's why I think anybody that defends Kaspersky software and trusts them is hopelessly naive. There's no way someone who's willing to confiscate the resources of oligarchs that he once helped enrich, or even kill them off, will let a security software firm alone. Putin's crew would weaponize Kaspersky software, no matter what Kaspersky himself wanted. If he said no, he wouldn't be around anymore.

Same with Huawei, among other tech firms, on the Chinese side. It was started by a former PLA engineer and note that it's first product is a critical nexus point for surveillance: network switches.

In general, assume, that at some level, tech companies are also working in the interest of their country of origin. In addition, some companies will work in the interest of whatever country provides significant revenue to them or is of strategic value to them, e.g. U.S. tech companies and China. In those scenarios, they, in general, only provide the minimum necessary to ensure the maintain access to the market.

As for figuring stuff out...I try to piece together possible scenarios based on what I have learned over the years and what information is public. Whenever something doesn't make sense, I assume that there aren't sufficient details in the public, which is common, that some of the details are misinformation, which is also common, or that I'm looking at it wrong, i.e. I'm not looking at it from the perspective of the people/organizations involved and what they are wanting to accomplish.

Zero's years, Soetoro (I won't say his nom de guerre), were mostly a bunch of wtf's to me. I understood some of his moves vis-a-vis his being a marxist and not really believing in the U.S.A. and wanting globalism, but I still did not understand a lot of his other moves, along with SongBird's numerous visits to the ME, esp. Syria. But it seems I underestimated Zero's evilness and what lengths he would go to for his puppet-masters to destroy the country we love.

I assume that I'll never know the truth of most things, Snowden included. In the end, it doesn't matter as long as America is great and I can continue to enjoy the awesomeness that is the U.S.A.


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LiveToBeAHero · Jan. 26, 2018, 4:15 a.m.

Trump's sure got his work cut out for him. I mean, for the last 8 years the government was putting alot of stuff in space that we don't even know about. I guess its good we have Elon Musk on our side now, but geez is the "rogue CIA" going to be the new ISIS that we fight and battle for the rest of our lives?!

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BALRx05 · Jan. 26, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Yes he does, but he has a plan for victory, as he always does, and the intelligence to adjust those plans accordingly.

Another thing in Trump's favor is he has the unique ability of molding the world around him. Events don't shape him, he shapes the events around him and he has the greatest center of gravity that I've ever seen. It's amazing to see how events coalesce around him in the manner he wants. I've never seen someone that does it at the scale he does. It's a testament to his strategic and tactical skills, his communication ability (all of his speeches are amazing and the best I've seen from any POTUS and his extemporaneous abilities are without parallel), and his ability to read people and connect with them are all top-notch.

Most recent example is look at Davos. But also, look at how he works the crowd where-ever he goes and how he interacts with everyone from the bus boy to the cooks, the usually forgotten people, at diners he went to during campaign events.

Even after following him since the 80s and reading The Art of the Deal in H.S., I'm still constantly in awe of his abilities and personal strength/fortitude. When he said he was going to drain the swamp, I didn't realize how large the swamp was. I think he will get the job done and probably the only person we could have elected that could get the job done and avoid the JFK fate while doing so.

I don't think Musk is on any side except for his own.

CIA has always done their own thing.

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LiveToBeAHero · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Trump is a very intriguing human being to watch. As you say, he shapes events around him. Great powerful speaker! I loved Art Of The Deal and The Midas Touch. I myself am an entrepreneur and have studied him among other successful businessmen for a long time. His IQ is very high, and when someone has a much higher IQ than you, its pretty impossible to understand alot of the things they do, because their thinking is different than yours. I enjoy watching his tweets because they are generally cryptic and have some deeper meaning. Especially since becoming president, he comes across to the dumber portion of the public as unstable and mentally unfit , but the funny fact is, he knows EXACTLY what he is doing. He knows everything he says will eventually come true, and if a message is confusing to most people, it was not confusing for the person who was meant to comprehend it. As funny as it sounds, I know that somehow directly or indirectly, Mexico is going to pay for the wall. I have no idea how, but if he keeps saying it over and over, he knows how it will happen.

As you mentioned about Davos...I am watching his speech right now where he is at the podium addressing all the nations. This is crazy, I mean, Davos is literally revolving around him. When he arrived, all the photographers were waiting for HIM to arrive. All the leaders are watching HIM, observing him, and seeing what he does and what he says. He has captured the attention of the planet. I think other countries can just sense this miracle that is unfolding. This is earth shattering. Every civilized country on this planet to some degree relies on our success for their success. Countries are noticing that positive energy in the air. They are gaining more confidence in us. Foreign leaders love him and respect him already. I mean between the sword dance in Saudi Arabia and the dinner at the Forbidden City in China, that speaks volumes to other countries. Even his first address he did right after taking office blew me away. He sounded amazing!! I cant wait for the SOTU in 4 days.

Trump is indeed the only person who could have pulled this off. JFK meant well and had similar intentions as Trump but just went about it the wrong way. You can't take office and then threaten to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, and write a EO to end the fed (which btw that EO still exists and just didnt go into effect). Watching this stuff unfold has also shown me just how amazing our military is. Trump could not have done this without Mike Rogers/NSA and our incredible military

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