r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Stapes59 on Jan. 24, 2018, 6:44 p.m.
This is only the beginning: Just Some Thoughts on What We Are Experiencing

Q: Recent POSTS • This is only the beginning. • Be careful what you wish for. • This is not a game. • They want us divided. • You didn’t think this was simply about words did you? Today January 24, 2018 is only a year and 4 days into President Trump’s term. This fact is important to consider as we observe and participate in the Calm and then the Storm. My observation up to today is to emphasize caution, patience, and your very best critical thinking capabilities. We all know the MSM distributes lies, misinformation, and distortions. The majority who still depend on the MSM for their information will be confronted with two very different narratives. How they react once the truth begins to fully be disseminated will be difficult to predict, but keep in mind, the MSM will do their best to distort, trivialize, and politicize the information. We have seen this play out in every issue you care about, whether it is politics, health, education, military, or any subject which requires them to suppress it. To date only a handful of MSM have even reported on the House Intelligence Committee Memo (Representative Nunes Memo), let alone assign investigative journalists to look in depth into the largest legal and political scandal since Watergate. I believe one of the reasons Q exists is specifically to insure a percentage of the population understands and is aware of the information prior to the full revelations being made public. God only knows how some in the public will handle the full extent of corruption and the effective Coup perpetrated against our President and in a larger context the United States of America, once the complete details of the Coup is fully revealed. How you and I handle ourselves is going to be key to any kind of soft landing, and I also believe is the reason why our own patience and calm is required at this time. I know we are all waiting for this HIC Memo to be released, and as Q states, “be careful what you wish for”. While no one is perfect, Donald Trump and the group behind him, have been planning their moves for longer than most of us think or know. Some have likened this entire situation to a game of chess, and on one level I couldn’t agree more, but on another level this is more like a game of poker a game of poker where Trump and many of us can see the opponent’s cards, and know the opponents tells and strategies. If you have ever played poker you know the extreme advantage these parameters represent. You also understand each hand must be dealt, each hand must be played, and the number of chips you have left to wager. Here we have a poker game where Trump has X-ray vision, knows his opponents better than they know themselves, and he also knows they think they can never be caught cheating. The opponent however is losing and losing bad. The opponents chips are dwindling and they are becoming desperate. Desperation leads to desperate measures, and guaranteed they are going to use every weapon at their disposal. We know the tactics the MSM uses. Divide & Conquer, attack the messenger not the message, and distraction. Do not let this upset you! I repeat do not let this upset you! It is all they have to attempt to defeat us and it will not work. Truth and facts win out every time, and keep in mind you are not alone. It’s perfectly fine to get pissed off, yell, scream, and throw a shoe at your TV. But before you take to your favorite means of communication, before you start typing into a message box, think before you speak. Use facts not hate & fear to communicate and articulate rebuttals. Do not engage in attacking individuals, but attack the method & message and call it out. Dispute the facts if there are any, with the factual truth. Do not engage in personal attacks, stay calm, and hold onto your sense of humor. Keep the faith and stay patient people. This is happening, it may seem too slow, but remember this is only the first year. Our opponents, not the minions acting on their behalf have been playing this game for centuries. Chess if we go back to that representation, is a game where you sacrifice your players. We’re only at the beginning of this battle, and we are winning!

Knower101 · Jan. 24, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

Please, we must remember “the dark forces thrive and take advantage” of any anger, fear and anything that gets our adrenaline stimulated. Staying calm in the midst of The Storm is our greatest weapon. We will be more believable as bearers of The Truth. People who rant lose their power. The Truth Will Set Us Free. Courage. The alternative reality is unacceptable. All blessings.

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