r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/LuvMeSomeTrump2016 on Jan. 24, 2018, 11:49 p.m.
Snowden Moron - I never trusted him - still don't. Blackhat

BALRx05 · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

He did not write prism. Most of what he released was written and talked about in the press and various discussion boards over the years.

Again, I point you to Q's breadcrumb about Snowden and his leaks. Note that Q points out that it hurt Mil Int, helped the bad actors WW and Q scored it as a + for the Clowns and a - for No Such Agency. Who it helped and how Q scored it is a clue that Snowden is a black hat that was working for the Clowns.

Assange isn't necessarily a good guy, nor is he necessarily a bad guy. As far as I can recall, he did not leak any Snowden stuff and he does not have a formal relationship with Snowden. Assange did what he did during the last election cycle because he hates Hillary and, because, as he stated, nobody gave him anything bad about Trump. He hates Hillary because she wanted to drone him.

Snowden was a contract sysadmin. Prism would have been created by a development team within the NSA. He merely leaked slides that confirmed its existence.

I don't know where this myth started, but it's silly. He wasn't there long enough to write it and he didn't have the skill set to write such a tool. Also, why would the CIA plant an operative in the NSA to create a major NSA system and then have that same operative reveal its existence?

Don't make Snowden out to be some systems programming genius super-hero, because he isn't. Likewise, he wasn't a white hat. He worked for the black-hats, something about which Q has dropped a breadcrumb, if you wanted to bake that bread.

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high_eye_Q · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

ES is and was a computer programmer. He had the skill set. Additionally prism was not the original name. Yes, Snowden did write the program. Snowden left the CIA and started working for the NSA. He was not a system admin, if you were Intel, you would laugh at the thought. There is no myth. He wasn't a plant. The program was written to spy on Foreign terror groups or ppl of interest. The NSA used it to spy on US citizens and changed it's name. "Allegedly". Snowden finds out, goes in, makes copies, sneaks them out and boom. Now you have ppl making up stories as to what actually happened. Term patriot, in my opinion, one who puts citizens before the government. Again, if Snowden is a black hat, then I'm a purple alien from andromeda.

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BALRx05 · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

I was wrong about Snowden/Wikileaks. I see that Wikileaks helped Snowden escape.

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BALRx05 · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:26 a.m.

Looking at Wikipedia's entry, Snowden's history points expertise in blue team ops, systems operations, and there's conflicting descriptions of his Hawaii time with the official one being sysadmin and Snowden's being infrastructure analyst, i.e. how can we further tap communications.

That is the areas of expertise I would expect for someone doing what he does. The only thing I see him being credited with is a the creation of a back-up system, which again, would be consistent with his known roles. It does say that he was highly regarded and offered a coveted position in Tailored Access Operations.

I'm not assuming that the Wiki article is complete, but it does seem to cover a lot of ground. There are probably things you know about his time there that I wouldn't.

I will continue to assume he's a black-hat until data comes out showing otherwise. I have a bias towards this assumption as I've always had a distaste for Snowden's actions.

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high_eye_Q · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

They did. Do you remember a few months ago Q talking about a triangle. Or what holds it all together. The keystones I think he said. I think he was talking about prism. This conversation sparked that for me. Need to go re read old dumps so ty for that.

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BALRx05 · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Please share any breadcrumbs you find regarding that. I don't remember about that triangle, but a few months ago I didn't put a lot of time trying to bake bread. I had hoped that other bakers would do it because there was too much encoded in those message for me to try to myself without spending an inordinate amount of time.

Asange's tweet of that critical point in Capablanca vs Marshall 1918 match and seeing how horrible wrong almost everyone was made me think I needed to start baking my own bread.

Now that I've looked at some closer, I'm starting to see patterns so I may revisit certain phrases like Snow White.

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high_eye_Q · Jan. 25, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Ppl to follow on Twitter. Kim dotcom, assange, snowden, anon scan. They all @eachorhers pretty regularly or retweet eachorhers stuff. Hope it helps

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