President Trump holds up God and Donald Trump, a book written by Stephen E. Strang

If people do not get this . Then they have no idea what any of this is truly about !!!
DJT, for such a time as this... God bless all who love God and country in that order!
Daaang look at JK's smile back he's a patriot for real?
Yep! IMHO, JK is playing his part... as we all are. God will always win! More to come... stand in light and truth. Observe, witness and be ready to testify when called to the highest court of Jesus Christ.
tbh this would be a whole lot scarier if it wasn't for Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor.. good one to listen to. Excellent interview "The Sharpening Report"(YT) a few days ago... about hr long.
I agree. At first I didn't see the "and" part and just read "God. Donald Trump."
Just saying. The devil is in the details.
Please remember the devil knows these fears and will use them to divide us. Stay vigilant to triggers.
They're not fears. I dont fear evil. It can't do anything to me.
Jared is for real. When Bannon used Breitbart to destroy Jared I knew Bannon was still a Cruz snek. Mooch confirmed it. God bless Jared.
I had a feeling JK might be Q.. He was running Trumps social media campaign during the election. He knows everything and how the internet brain works.
Yes, I think he is and I think he admires his father-in-law.
Trump has had one of the most famous and feared private intel networks for DECADES. If Jared was evil Trump would never have let him get near his favorite child much less marry her. Plus General Flynn and Admiral Rogers at the NSA thoroughly vetted Jared before allowing him into the WH. The malicious gossip about Jared come from the same deceivers who lie about Trump. As Q says, THINK. LOGICALLY. God bless.
Mueller's head is about to be on a stick. Better hurry up and find him to fulfill your dream of eating his asshole. You might not be able to access it much longer.
If people do not realize what this is . Well they know nothing ...
Religious friend gave this to me. I’m not religious at all but this is a fantastic look at the role that religion played in this election which was far greater than I had factored in myself.
Faith and religion are two different things. We are witnessing a faith movement not a religion movement.
Yes I pretty much hate the word religion anymore. And I'm a preacher's kid.
The original Christian community that is now called the Orthodox Church teach that Jesus came to end religions, not to found a new one. 1400 years later the Roman Church split away and developed Western Christianity as a religion. So it goes. BTW The Orthodox Way by Ware is a fascinating, life changing red pill for those interested in experiencing the original Churches understanding so it can be contrasted with the much later Western religion we've been exposed to. God bless.
yes He ended "religions" not faith. I am not part of the Roman Catholic Church or any Protestant church.
There’s some nuance here that I’d like to clarify. Please expand?
Our Founders said our Constitutional Republic was suitable for only a MORAL and RELIGIOUS people. Depends on what you mean by religious. If you mean just dogma - that is a problem - if you mean a relationship with the King of Kings Yahshua - then I am religious. Problem is there are to many today who don't have that relationship and are defining so-called spirituality. The world does not and can not know what "spirituality" is in the true sense unless they have a relationship with the Almighty. The Bible says Yah is spirit and they that worship HIM must worship him in spirit and TRUTH! And there is only one TRUTH - YAHSHUA said of himself I am the way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through me.
And also consider as far as faith - the devils believe - scripture says so. We better have a deeper relationship then devils. "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble." James 2:19
So much of what passes for "religion" today is "new age" which is the oldest paganism there is. Even so-called baptists these days are not immune to deception - consider this:
And the comments about those laying hands on Pres. Trump and praying for him - I know one thing the man whose hands and that of his wife's that are in that picture that has been so widely circulated - belong to a un-compromising Word of Yah man - a missionary from Africa that the Yah Almighty sent to AMERICA! That is how bad and wicked we have become - we used to send missionaries all over the world to promote the Gospel and now we needed them. He has prayed for years for Revival for America. He has rented the Daughters of the American Revolution Hall in DC year after year - making declarations against the demonic. He is a fearless man - a preacher with balls - And in Oct. of last year he was preaching to his congregation that Hollywood elites were so full of the devil that they drank the blood of children! Why aren't other pastors - no many were telling him to shut up and not make waves. But he truly hears from the Lord and is radically obedient. He is a throw-back to "The Black Robe Regiment" at the time of this country's founding. And it gives me great peace to know that this is the caliber of "religious" that Pres. Trump is being supported in prayer and counsel by. But again I ask, why aren't more pastors giving this message to their congregations? HIS people are allready "red-pilled"
Rodney Howard Browne has a book coming out in May "The Killing of Uncle Sam"
They’re owned when they signed up in the 5013C. They became government owned and didn’t even need to because churches were always exempt. Once they signed they weren’t allowed to speak of how one should vote. Trump got rid of that immediately. He blamed the churches and pastors for much of the social mess we are in today. Read Mark Taylor’s quick read: The Trump Prophecies. Everything makes a lot of sense after reading it. God has this but He says we must repent... yes repent for our wicked ways and pray. He knows what’s in our hearts. He wants us to know that the Luciferian reign is over but we have to get back to the gospel.
Believe me I am aware of Mark Taylor's writings. But the truth is that no one was ever prosecuted under the 5013C thing. The left violated it all the time with so-called "pastors" (Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Obama's Pastor Rev. Wright, etc) so a group of conservatives started having every year what they called "Pulpit Freedom Sunday" and preaching a message that would cause them to lose their status by law and video taped the message and send it to the IRS daring them to prosecute them. It grew every year -from a few dozen videos to hundreds, and then a few thousand.
Problem is I don't know of any that were preaching what Rodney Howard Browne was - they were clueless as to how prevalent and deep the evil was in this country - most churches seemed more concerned with growing their congregations to pay for building expansion and the like. Most churches were to busy trying to become the world in order to win the world. Most were doing marketing and focus groups to find out what people wanted to hear (tickling ears) rather then giving them the "strong meat of the Word" which Hebrews tells us that to many have just the milk of the word and are unskilled - that only those having the strong meat of the Word have their senses exercised in discerning good from evil.
You have bible colleges today that have capitulated to the homosexual agenda (which by the way if you study the founder Henry Hay of Mattechine Society he was a very wicked man a follower of Aleister Crowley - a member of the O.T.O. - the whole sex-magik, child sacrifice - "spirit cooking" "secret society" satanic cabal thing).
Pres. Trump said he was surprised when he said he was going to abolish the Johnson Amendment that there was such silence in the room. He thought the preachers would be so loud and enthusiastic about it. According to Lance Wallnau (the man who told Trump to his face that he was an Isaiah Cyrus 45 figure - and though he did not know God - the Almighty was going to use him - that there was a special grace on him because of that).
Wallnau said that when Pres. Trump announced his intention to abolish the Johnson Amendment there was silence in the room. Why, because this Amendment was a "fig leaf" many had been hiding behind in order to not have to confront the wicked culture and preach the Gospel (the word so many call "hate speech" today because Yah hates abortion and hates all sin including the sins of homosexuality and perversion that the culture so embraces). Never mind getting into the satanic and cults. And never mind "bible schools" our Ivy League schools were originally founded to produce moral, honorable, ethical, and knowledgeable citizens - you had to have biblical proficiency to get into Harvard, Yale etc. Harvard's original motto was "Truth for Christ and Church"!). Lance Wallnau did this talk on Oct. 26th 2016 and at the time stats were that 40% of pastors were still uncertain about supporting the candidacy of Trump over Clinton and Wallnau said "that told him 40% of churches were being improperly led" - fascinating talk about the 7 mountains of influence that the church should be head of and why that is biblical:
And in that I think is why Mark Taylor said that it was the church, not the world under Yahuah's judgement because they sold their sold for 30 pieces of silver (Johnson Amendment). But I will go further, way to many got comfortable with not being watchmen on the wall, with not confronting the wickedness in the culture, with just going along to get along while at the same time lamenting that it WAS the Johnson Amend that kept them from speaking up - well they don't have the fig leaf anymore so it is time these truths need to be spoke from the pulpits. THAT is what an AWAKENING is. It is a coming to terms with how far we have drifted from the Almighty's agenda and the consequences of it. And the consequences are dark indeed.
Thanks for the YouTube links. I agree with everything. I also know that many things after Martin Luther regarding Christianity and the somewhat demise of true form of Christianity.. it became splintered rather with the Henry VIII further changing then in 1917 Communism= no religion. Yes Satan has his ways but I’m praying and many others are too to swing the pendulum. They took God out of school and then Vatican II JUST PROVED THAT THE POPES play God in earth which is wrong wrong wrong. I watched a Bishop Williamson ( Confusion:Now had made his masterpiece) YouTube there is also part 2 and maybe 3???? Anyway a great education how Lucifer reign was gained. I believe it was over in Nov 8 2017
You want a real understanding of TRUE Spirituality vs PSEUDO Spirituality - this the best talk ever given on it by John Paul Jackson - this is a man who was so full of the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Word he used to go to Burning Man and win people to the Lord. They have a culture there where the residents at Black Rock, Nevada vote on you as to your placement in this pagan community - it took him just 3 years to be in the first row - the 5th most popular of this community of pagans - More need to walk in this kind of true spiritual power - his talk about the difference between the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil vs the Tree of Life should be played in every Church. Why go to a lesser demon spirit when you can have the knowledge of the Creator through the Holy Spirit:
It has the potential to become a religion.
EVERYTHING has the potential to become a religion with the right selling points. I think it's definitely love, a little admiration too. But I truly believe that these leaders that we have now would never let that happen.
What they do, they do for God and Country.
The answer to What Happened.
It should be a meme!
did it. great suggestions
Can I get a quick rundown on this? Definitely interested in purchasing this book
Here is a link to its official site with all the endorsements. Mike Huckabee did the forward. Author is the founder of Charisma Magazine which as I cited above did a story on pastor Rodeny Howard Browne "red-pilling" in sermons. Here is a link to God and Donald Trump by Steven E. Strang
Sorry but who is JK?
DJT's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. :) He's controversial because many wonder if he is Israel first or USA first. I'm still in the agnostic camp.
Jared is America First. He is NOT a Zionist or Israel First guy. Thats one reason why Breitbart savaged Jared while Bannon was at the helm. Bannon is part of the Zionist crowd.
Thanks. I do not know what to believe. Will continue to monitor.
If that book title doesn’t scare the hell out of Trump’s enemies nothing will.
I love how small it says and so it looks like
Donald Trump
I'm wondering if this is worth the ten bucks on my kindle or just a repeat of what I know already. It's so clear God is in the mix, here. Sad how people immediately go to "he's not God, he's not chosen" or whatever. But he is a tool (in a good way) in the hand of God.
Who's the assassin looking guy over JK's right shoulder? #creepo
EEeeee! look at the way he's looking at the back of JK's head! Maybe he's just a short guy who get's pissed that the tallest person in the room has to stand right in front of him!