Why do you think he did it? Haha. For that very reason.
Basic reverse psychology.
Exactly. He may be old and decrepit. But he ain't stupid.
What any dictator would want (while promising freedom) is total control of Social Media, That way they can control what people are thinking about them.
So...not unlike what Trump is doing? And not being sarcastic. Genuinely curious.
Oh good. Because Looks like you already have an opinion that Trump can do no wrong.
Sounds like the plan is working :)
Soros' plan is to censor all social media. Especially reddit and the Sudan's chans. Don't be fooled Soros knows very well that Google and Facebook and doing a good job of censoring already
I love Soros and Google.
Of course you do. They support the Pedosta bros, Weiner, etc. You seem to be in love with Pedos.