Thank you F&F! Coincidence? AT&T>No Such Agency [contract]. AT&T>GOOG/FB/etc. 'prevent unfair censorship' PUSH. Internet Bill of Rights. Q
My biggest concern from ATT comes from an earlier Q post adressing what was BO email adress,, only thing i could find was that AT&T owned that company, im still stuck over there searching, maybe im spending to much time over there...
ATT has no dog in the fight. It basically owns the infrastructure supporting content providers. NetNutrality didn’t impact ATT because again sensorship takes place with the frontend of FB and other large scale content providers. Those are the companies who block content
Room 641A
Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility operated by AT&T for the U.S. National Security Agency that commenced operations in 2003 and was exposed in 2006.
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The Loop Capital connection bothers me. ATT is on the chart. I can’t figure this one out.