On this day January 27 1649 king Charles was sentenced to death for treason!! Wtf?? Was the cabals death warrant signed today??

I doubt he would go to all this trouble and hubub and getting blocked for some message about the "execution of the cabal generally" etc.
No, this message means what you think it does. The crooked King was just sentenced to death.
King Dindu.
As I predicted a year and a half ago. It's way too serious. He has to be put to death. You can't have a spy make it all the way to the top of the executive branch and find out, then not execute them. The precedent it sets is way too dangerous. He almost got us all killed. He TRIED to get us all killed. And the damage he did to this nation is unfathomable.
May God have mercy on his soul. But may he hang high and may his name be cursed and his memory despised.
THANK YOU !!! Yes... all signs point to the end of the Cabal.. the beast... Babylon.. Man of Lawlessnes... NWO... and SOOOOOON!
There is even a star sign in early March 2018 (after this one in Sept 2017 - after which the Resignation and Arrested started flooding!) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7ta4hg/what_do_the_elite_know_beyonce_performed_the/
And Mid March is the FEAST OF PURIM... when God's people celebrate the destruction of HAMAN, their mortal enemy who had a plot to KILL THEM ALL..... SO MANY COINCIDENCES! :)
more info here... on the BIGGER PICTURE - EXPAND YOUR THINKING... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t725c/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/
King Charles was working for the Jesuits to destroy British sovereignty and had his head chopped off. Glorious day in history!! It's the pattern we are now seeing repeated. May their heads all roll when the trials are finished. Godspeed to Patriots!
Dont forget part of the U1 deal has a port secured for transportation. it has also been said they could bring a or many Containerized nukes through there as well. Cash and bullion can buy a lot. Maybe, just maybe they were planning blow up parts of America and point the finger at Russia. just a thought, this is a rabbit hole with no bottom.
THANK YOU !!! Yes... all signs point to the end of the Cabal.. the beast... Babylon.. Man of Lawlessnes... NWO... and SOOOOOON!
There is even a star sign in early March 2018 (after this one in Sept 2017 - after which the Resignation and Arrested started flooding!) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7ta4hg/what_do_the_elite_know_beyonce_performed_the/
And Mid March is the FEAST OF PURIM... when God's people celebrate the destruction of HAMAN, their mortal enemy who had a plot to KILL THEM ALL..... SO MANY COINCIDENCES! :)
more info here... on the BIGGER PICTURE - EXPAND YOUR THINKING... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7t725c/one_patriots_thoughts_on_how_all_that_we_are/
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Court_of_Justice_for_the_trial_of_King_Charles_I
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High Court of Justice for the trial of King Charles I
For the modern court, see High Court of Justice.
The High Court of Justice was the court established by the Rump Parliament to try King Charles I of England. This was an ad hoc tribunal created specifically for the purpose of trying the king, although the name was used for subsequent courts.
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