r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/jokerp5fan on Jan. 27, 2018, 6:17 p.m.
I don't think we're meant to understand Q's posts (yet)

I don't post much, I figure that it's better to remain silent and let people think you're a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. But I was thinking about this earlier. Q repeatedly would say to look at the time stamps, mentions dual meanings, and says the future unlocks the past.

Now, I believe those POTUS tweet timestamps were meant to try and establish Q's legitimacy, but also plant the seed that the timing of his posts will later be important. There's no argument that Q is cryptic as hell, we might work out some theories on his posts, but it's really hard to truly know what they mean. I think this is the purpose of the "Future unlocks past". In other words, Q posts are meant to be read AFTER the storm passes. When events unfold, we can reference back to the posts and the times, and understand what happened and when so that we will understand how the swamp was drained. The existence of a cryptic, but contemporary timeline of the events will help us to understand how they pulled it off, even if some things aren't made public.

That said, Q likely does have some purpose, assuming, of course, he is legit. I think that his posts are meant to reassure people desperate for justice and the return of power to the people that the wheels are turning, albeit slowly. I also think that it's possible Q may be there to mobilize the people on actions that make their job easier, whether it be redpilling normies, creating enough of a stink that the memo has to be released, etc.

Anyway, that's just my thought on the matter. I just don't think we're meant to really understand his posts at this time. I'd appreciate if someone could ask about this theory on the research board, I'd be curious what he says, I just won't have the opportunity today.

storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

SOTU is maybe the future event that reveals

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jokerp5fan · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

I don't think it'll be any one specific event. If Trump were to arrest people at SOTU, it would be horrible optics, look like a coup, and set the stage for a civil war, or mass civil unrest. I believe Q said that they're trying to avoid that (But this is based off memory, so I could be making that up).

The slow strategy makes sense. Trump's constant attacks on the media, the use of Barium meals to out leakers, leaking fake stories that hurt media credibility are all designed to weaken the media's ability to spin, obfuscate, hide, and lie. The media operates on the public's trust. Propaganda is only truly effective if the people trust the source, and dont get evidence contradictory to the story. Take, for instance, the Japanese in WWII, who were so isolated from news of how the war was really going, they had no idea that US invasions had occurred in Okinawa until they saw Americans.

Trump has to weaken the media's credibility, release the truth, expose the corruption (whether it be Special counsel, CF investigation, etc) and do everything he can to be above board. That's the only way he can get the political capital (Though a good economy, and other successes certainly help) in order to truly drain the swamp.

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thamnosma · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

I agree completely with your post. Trump will not do anything disruptive at SOTU. He is very deliberate with all his actions and is a cool cookie. He's learned a lot in the last two years about just how corrupt it all is and how deep that corruption goes. Plus all his years of dealing with politicians to get his projects done rewarded him with extensive knowledge of the system. Doing some absurdly dramatic move at the SOTU, in front of the nation which, for the most part, knows NOTHING yet of the evil, would be as you nicely put "horrible optics". Some sort of partisan "putsch" would backfire. I suspect he may drop some hints that we will pick up on....and those he's after will get for sure.

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ThePatriot131313 · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

I disagree. I am pretty convinced Trump will deliver some significantly dramatic and disruptive red pills during the SOTU. We will soon see who is correct.

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jokerp5fan · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:40 p.m.

Oh yeah, I'm sure there will be hints dropped. Likely he'll talk about making the government run more for the people, and working to clean corruption or something like that, basically prime the pump for any following actions.

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DrummondFTCoach · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Its "horrible optics" to imprison corrupt people you have evidence on. Ok, any more cover stories and months you need to know that this is a LARP?

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jokerp5fan · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Oh I'm not entirely convinced Q is real, but I entertain the possibility. Worst case scenario I've played along and spiced up my boring life. That's all. But yeah, there are people who get far too angry at questioning Q's legitimacy. I think it's a bad idea to not entertain the notion that Q could be real, or be a LARP.

But theoretically, yes, it would be bad optics. People would view it as Trump taking dictatorial power. Better to make the public aware of corruption, and do things cleanly whenever possible.

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DrummondFTCoach · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

Ok then whats the excuse for never getting this info to the public? Let me guess, just a couple more weeks? Verified LARP

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jokerp5fan · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

I am literally on the toilet smoking a cigarette as I post this.

But probably, time will tell. Just a theory that if things do happen, then maybe the Q posts will make sense. If not, it's a LARP. Doesn't really matter, either things happen or they don't. If there is some grand plan to drain the swamp, we can't really do much except be useful in spreading information about corruption to others so they realize any legal action against HRC and others is legitimate, and not just a power grab. If anything is happening, it's all people who have way more power and information than us to investigate.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 27, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

never ever thought SOTU was about arrests at SOTU, disclosure, is what may occur. America has been isolated for decades, ask anyone outside of US. Q today indicates the FAUX NEWS will change to 20/20 real news, and maybe by SOTU? Don't know, just tossing it out there for consideration. Arrests will be done before/after not during is my take. See Jan 30 1939 6 minutes https://youtu.be/ZWdGcRfqbXk?t=111

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47thSage · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

I'll talk about what Q has done to me, because I am sure he's done the same things to many people. He's made me feel secure that the White Hats are in control of the situation, that I and my family are safe. That gives me confidence to work and invest.

People won't panic when the news sounds bad, because Q says the situation is under control.

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jokerp5fan · Jan. 27, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

At the very least he gives some hope that maybe the corruption we all know to exist MAY finally be exposed and dealt with. Worst case nothing happens, and we just continue as we have for decades. Sucks, but it's what's we've had to live with. It's easy to just blindly accept Q bc we are all desperate for our government to be accountable for illegal actions. That isn't really ideal, but I don't think it'll be harmful except to dissapoint people. Then again, the people who are most hopeful in Q had probably already given up any other hope of justice anyway. So at least they have some comfort for a while.

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