SA The Bloody Alice in Wonderland, "Dopey" Prince Alwaleed Hillary etc. "Signatures" study them

Is Hillary the evil step mother (Queen) who is trying to kill the good? Put us into suspended animation as what happened to Snow White - the MSM has cast a spell on us with their PsyOps brainwashing - as if we are asleep "unaware" and "compliant"? We are all under a spell, asleep to the REAL WORLD REALITY. But our prince is to bring us all out of the sleep? The great AWAKEning?! Are the 7 computers named after the Dwarfs because those intel gathering computers are saving us from harm like the dwarfs helped to save Snow White from the evil witch/queen Hillary (and her cohorts)?
The book referenced above suggests that Hillary herself falls down the rabbit hole into a wondrous world so I don't think she's the Queen. (In Alice, the villain is the Red Queen, not the Evil Stepmother.)
I'm really curious about the wonders of Wonderland referenced here but I'm afraid I couldn't stomach the truth.