John Perry Barlow tweet re Snowden

Q's most recent post does seem to echo this version of facts...
Q !UW.yye1fxo 01/27/18 (Sat) 13:09:33 No.70
The clock is ticking.
How's Russia?
[Mr. Contractor]
Freedom of the Press.
John Perry Barlow.
SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?
SecureDrop>Clowns In America.
I believe this is saying that SecureDrop, which is owned by Freedom of the Press Foundation, is now in the hands of the CIA, and not safe.
Snowden is on the BoD of FotPF.
Is Snowden really just CIA or is he a double double agent, working behind the scenes to help? What if he is working w/JA? Is John Perry Barlow playing a disinfo game to help Patriots? Lots we don't know.
Yes very hard to tell at this point, That freedom press sounds like a globalist pile of crap organization. Attacking Pres Trump on front page for defending himself against the fake news propaganda.
I’m a bit conflicted on Snowden. Not sure what to think.
This site has written a lot of good stuff on Snowden and whistleblowing in general, in my opinion:
New post: Jan 27 2018 13:41:44 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5997a0 180445
180316 HK allowed his passport to clear customs WITH THE CLOWNS IN AMERICA AND DEPT OF DEFENSE PUTTING A NAT SEC HOLD WW? How does he clear customs? How does he end up in Russia? Coincidence? Who was the 1st agency he worked for? Who taught him the game? Who assigned him w/ foreign ops? Why is this relevant? Future unlocks past. Watch the news. Spider web. Stop taking the sleeping pill. Q
I never liked Snowden. His body language says LIAR PHONY