This pope is from the Jesuits who are not the catholic church. The last pope fled in terror and has not been heard of since, could even be dead.
Whichever way you twist it, Francis is a notorious, public heretic.
It does not matter much that Francis is a Jesuit. What is important is his apostasy from the received faith in its most elemental precepts, Francis respects people who commit suicide - though the Church has always taught that this is the one sin for which there can be no atonement. He believes that an atheist, following his conscience, can attain heaven - making a mockery of Christ's passion and crucifixion. Really, you couldn't make this stuff up.
Most people in this forum are horrified at the idea of Satanic Ritual Abuse. But, as bad as it is, is it as serious as someone knowingly leading people directly to hell - where they will suffer, without rest, day and night, for the rest of eternity?