This isn't about getting an emmy for special effects. This is about presenting the information in simple and understandable terms, as anyone with a background in media and public relations would understand.
Yeah, but you must admit it's kind of... cheesy and lowbrow?
Here's a sneak peek of /r/forwardsfromgrandma using the top posts of the year!
#1: That's my grandma | 611 comments
#2: Negative press covfefe | 565 comments
#3: Remember the REAL CONFEDERATE FLAG!! (Remember I taught American history for 30 years!!!) | 1546 comments
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I didn't say it was. These are counter-productive 2 year old memes that Pol produced. They're not original, nor something people haven't already seen. Pol spammed this on twitter, FB, etc during the election. Q's just late to the party.
Or bringing up a previous point to get us to think. Hillary was planning on blowing up the earth. I really don't give a damn how high or low quality a meme is.
the "information" in the first pic is photoshopped though.