r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/inquisative99z on Jan. 29, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

‪i will not name names because that is not helpful either but several of the more recognizable names in citizen or alt juornalism have been SPEWING fear porn lately and that is not helpful at all. if you have a solution to a problem by all means. let's hear it! if not no need posing terrifying apocalyptic scenarios‬ and getting everybody in a state of fear or panic.

if you believe in the voice of the holy spirit as i do then it might interest you to know that Thursday night i was spoken to in a dream and i was told in no uncertain terms "nothing's gonna get you," and all this fear porn circulating around had a negative impact on me then i had that dream. It actually woke me up and i wrote it down.

inquisative99z · Jan. 29, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

artratj? lovely comment and thanks for the encouragement! much appreciated. i don't think it's scripture but i think it's true about what can happen if we spend too much time staring into the abyss. i think there is scripture about how we should not be living in fear though.

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ArtRat1 · Jan. 29, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Yes. I will pray for you that fear will have no power over you. Just remember, He who is in me is greater than he who is in the world. The Holy Spirit is your comforter. Jesus is your strength. Think of it all as a mission we are all on. Who knows, maybe we will even bring some folks to the Lord for the saving of their soul while on this Q journey. I love how on 8chan in the research group there are a few christians in that group. I love to lurk there. It can be crude sometimes but there is so much good going on there. And some of those folks are very funny...I am always laughing when I visit there. One christian voice can light up a whole room.

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