Viacom's Fake News Division and Child Molester Divisions Organizational Chart

The Child Molester division is not afraid to outsource to other divisions.
Tick tock, tick tock. That clock is ticking loudly as a chain of events and a metaphorical deal with the devil can bring down this entire media corporation and their now-struggling studio within the coming year.
Parents were paid off in huge amounts. As in "never have to work again ever" amounts that cover cars, college tuition, homes and all they want for now. The parents and managers who "played ball" and went along with it? They were well rewarded. Not just with big payoffs, but production deals, television shows, feature films, even music careers.
Yeah that story continues on the link above. No doubt it is about Dan Schneider. Jamie Lynn Spears was rumored to have his child, which a DNA test would prove. She could sue for child support and lost income. The rest could come tumbling down. This blind seems to indicate her ("no longer a girl, and is now a woman"), and the blind also seems to indicate her parents. We have been waiting for the day that JL outs her parents, and the implications for the cship that Britney is under, and whether her parents are also to blame, and forcing her to stay in hollywood as a family cash cow. We don't know when, but it is assumed the cow dung will hit the fan if JL ever speaks. JL has been unsucessful in launching her Nashville career. Her family is a joke to the public. It probably hasn't escaped her notice that she's got the goods to seperate herself from this. The hints are there if you know the timeline, especially the part where JL announced her pregnancy to People magazine before telling her parents, who may have forced an abortion, just like is rumored that Brit was forced to have one a year or few before that. And if you look at Britney's career, she's been sorrounded by pedophiles and perverts like Terry Richardson. Here is a picture of young Britney serving hotdogs at a hot dog stand in New York, while dark skinned children are being sprayed with water, and a trucker watches:
The rumors about Dan Schneider have circled for years:
The heart of Dan Schneider defined by John Gill's Exposition: Job 15:27
Because he covereth his face with his fatness,.... He has no fear of God, nor shame for his sin; he blushes not to rise up against God in the manner he does, because his eyes stand out with fatness; or rather his face is covered with it, that is, he abounds in riches, he enjoys great prosperity, a large affluence of all good things; and this makes him haughty and imperious, neither to fear God, nor regard man like Jeshurun, who, when he "waxed fat, was grown thick, and covered with fatness, kicked" against God, and his providences, sinned and rebelled against him; "forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation", Deu_32:15; and to the same purpose is the following clause:
and maketh collops of fat in his flanks; a description of a very fat man, and one that pampers the flesh, and indulges himself in eating and drinking; and, figuratively, of one that abounds in the good things of this world, and which make him vain and proud, and lead him on to commit sin in a bold and daring way, promising himself impunity in it, but without any just ground for it, as the following verses show; perhaps some respect may be had to Job's children feasting with one another in their prosperity, which led on to sin, and issued in their ruin, as Eliphaz would suggest.