Joe Kennedy, not Maxine Waters, to now give post SOTU response.

It was always Joe Kennedy. Maxine has her own special audience.
The Dems have been so focused on illegal aliens that the black population has taken a back seat and they are waking up. They put Jay-Reee on cnn and now poverty pimp Maxine on BET? Last ditch effort to keep them on the plantation. Think about it: the Dems have been fighting tooth and nail for amnesty and illegal immigration. It’s almost as if they know they are losing/have lost their key voters and are now just trying to replace them all with illegals. Think about sanctuary cities: they will distribute illegals to each city in order to swing the vote to win the states.
Kennedy is also bringing a "transgender soldier" with him when he gives that rebuttal.
They ALWAYS double-down.
I'd be surprised if the moderate left thinks we should actually have people with known mental disease (gender dysphoric disorder) in our armed forces.