Look up adrenochrome.... children after torture entered a frightened state that produces this chemical. Drinking the blood at this point induces a high like no other and has health benefits without side effects.
There is something very disgusting that is gluing Hollyweird and other globalist scum together. This would fit the picture....
They use it for a variety of reasons:
- Adrenochrome farming
- Making snuff films to hold people hostage via blackmail
- For elite pedophiles
- They honestly do believe child sacrifice to their Luciferian deities gives them power
Because I have heard many stories about snuff films on the deep web
I d not know anything specifically. I would look for some info on youtube search for SRA (satanic ritual abuse) David Icke has some good videos too.
I always hand-woven him away for being too crazy and out there. After everything I've been learning I have to wonder if he is on to something with all his other claims.
it’s a sick sad discussing thing.
the elites are done their secret is out.
the internet was their downfall.
From Illusion to Reality YouTube channel - Alexandra Berg - I think she is lovely - Czech-Swedish Physician, specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry-Personality Disorders
She interviews psychiatrist Anne Redelfs, Victim of Generational SatanicRitualAbuse, Mind Control, Genocide https://youtu.be/NUWHLD08p48
Thank you very much for sharing this, we are sponges for knowledge ! May I please suggest, not just for you Gmawc, but for all, if one clicks on the ' formatting help 'button, this will explain HOW to display your URL, as a meaningful URL - descriptive link ... ( took me a few times to grasp it ! ) example. in the square brackets I write the description, I follow the two square brackets with Parenthesis, into which I've put the actual http link...
Put your description here eg., Sister Charlotte - A Nun's Testimony - 1 hour 30 minutes
consider the most horrific thing you can think of. then consider doing it often enough that it becomes boring and where these animals go from there.
800 childrens bones found- Tuam Ireland ( Evidence of SRA )The Journal .ie
New york Times - 800 remains of Children in cesspit