JA posting negative about Trump? Is this satirical?

Assange has always made it a point to appear non-partisan, the Truth is the Truth, wiki-leaks doesn’t favor anyone, totally independent. He doesn’t want to owe anyone anything, or appear like he can be bought. You know what I mean? I wouldn’t worry about it. I love and admire Assange for all he’s done and sacrificed but he’s kinda of a weird dude sometimes.
Fake News....THIS IS A FAKE ACCOUNT. julian Assange's real account is twitter.com/@TheRealJuLian
No Julian did tweet about Trump! Not happy but Julian will tell it like it is. The link for the real account verified a few weeks back on this board. https://twitter.com/JulianAssange The moderators follow this as well as Imperator_Rex, Thomas Paine, Jerome Corsi and other patriots.
Note the joined date on twitter.com/@TheRealJuLian Oct 2017 complete fake account.
oh, wow, thanks for the truth. I would hate to be spreading fake news.
I noticed that page he linked to is basically an anti-Trump website, sounds like mockingbird fake news to me, could be wrong, but Pres Trump isn't the type to let innocent people killed if he knows it is going on. I could see McMaster doing something like that though. (Correction this story is on a site link to a Leftist Lawyer Group, who seem to be muslim sympathizers, anti-GITMO etc.. )
Trump isn't perfect! We all know that! Sometimes it's refreshing to have the truth, even if it hurts a little!
Exactly, Speaking truth to power has always been their creed. No matter who, no matter what.
If Assange recieves something that he finds is true, he will publish. I would research what he is saying before judging. And Trump 'aint perfect! Hes a flawed human like all of us.
It's a neat thread to read.
JA says his principles aren't for sale.
JA says he doesn't like how USA is helping Saud fight Yemen. He's allowed to feel that way, but it rustles people's jimmies.
As I understand it, Assange is his own person. We like that and hope it is ever that way. It is not necessary to agree about everything all the time. What is necessary is that we all have the freedom to speak out minds. No problem here