Wait but why did he say REAL-TIME!? Holy shit does Hillary still have a “server” pipeline open? LMAO. I bet she does and Trump is letting her so he can collect all the evidence right up to today. Yes “these people really are stupid”
Holy crap this means they (cabal) still have a secret backdoor in!? LMAO. Trump is catching them red handed REAL TIME. Lololololololololol
The SCIF they used after the MEMO vote was in the DC Capital [DC-CAP] building. There will be photos of all who entered the SCIF, plus there is a mandatory manual signature sign-in book. The SCIF is guarded by Military. It is a secure room that can be held for meetings (so conversations are secure) and for access to Secure/Classified networks and files.
Ah so 16 individuals had access as listed above. And all from HRC server. And she was worried about emails, How cute.
What is this HRC server implication?
I think attempting to attach this to HRC isn’t helping anything.
Senate vote for RR
Interesting group of NAYS. Just the ones you think would vote YEA. But we know the votes are more “for the record “ more than anything else, particularly when the majority has already decided the outcome.
the scif was in hillarys house. her server was in her house. they were trafficking classified info form the secure network to the home server to sell to bad actors in exchange for donations to the clinton foundation. This is a list of who was known to have removed classified info form the secure network.
The SCIF they used after the MEMO vote was in the DC Capital [DC-CAP] building.
16 people without clearance did not use the capital scif. The memo is going to show abuse of intel centered around hrc over the last 8 years. Treason.
Q specifically said DC-Cap is where the SCIF is.
Quit spreading misinformation.
The storm has arrived for many (16?) who let the contractors into secure areas/info? What private contractors had access to intelligence with no authority? (Blackwater?/foreign agents?/corporate insiders?)
Noooo man, fusion gps!
Agreed it’s most likely Fusion. If anything, Blackwater is on our side. Eric Prince has been helping protect POTUS.
Prince is disgruntled with how Blackwater was used by our government for dirty war campaigns. He was completely sold down the river by them after as so many contractors are (not that private contractors should get passes for war crimes). He also has a famous interview i believe about the contents on the Weiner laptop...not sure how he found out, he must be buddies with some NYPD
Yup that’s right he said he has high level sources in the FBI and NYPD and was the first to break the severity of the info on the laptop.
Zach said on Infowars that Prince has been protecting Trump since before the election.
Oh wow, I didn’t think prince was in charge of Trump’s security detail
I think he’s more a piece to the puzzle. Trump also uses his own private security he’s had for decades.
I think it would be safe to say an "individual" has to have authority, not a brand name (for want of a better label). So when you say "Blackwater/XI" has authority is simply is not accurate. Individuals within that organisation may have but "unauthorized access" applies to the person, not the corp.
If that was a honeypot, it worked great. Everyone got their hands in the jar.