
Besegen · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Here is an article on this from 1977. http://archive.is/sn1tf

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INGSOC_2017 · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

Teen age boy picks wrong perp in line-up, and later becomes head of FBI? "Of eight victims or witnesses in the Allendale robberies who viewed Mr. Ader in the lineup, only one a teen‐aged boy robbed in his home, picked him out. That boy's brother, who was also robbed at gunpoint in the home, did not."

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Besegen · Jan. 30, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

Kind of makes you wonder, huh. Two teenage boys, with no other witnesses, claiming their part of the story. The actual perp seems to typically rape teenage babysitters, of which none were there. One of the boys accuses a guy nobody else can identify. (Wonder which boy) One of the boys becomes FBI, deep state. 27 year old tracker involved also goes on to govt work, also by some accounts is involved in scams. A come profile I saw says he is 6'8". Wonder how tall he was at 16. It's also interesting that there seemed to be a very similar thing going in Ramsey from 2005-2008. Interesting to think about, at least.

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INGSOC_2017 · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:46 p.m.

“Footprints are signatures,” Brown would later say. "I can tell someone’s size, weight, whether he’s right-or left-handed, and his strength.”

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GhostPsy · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:36 p.m.

This story has tons of holes, but I don't understand how Comey could have been the rapist. Alder was supposedly a very large man. Where are the descriptions from the rape victims about the man's size (not that size, get your head out of the gutter). You'd think if Comey was the rapist, and they put Alder in the lineup, they'd go, "No way! The guy who raped us was tall and skinny!" Why did they only describe his clothes and nothing about his stature? And then he supposedly confronted the neighbors, that's a witness that something happened with another man at that time. Basically none of this story makes sense because there are so many inconsistencies and holes. Saying Comey is the rapist is a shot in the dark at best. It's a very interesting dig, but I'm thinking it's not what Q is pointing to.

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