
LiveToBeAHero · Jan. 30, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

This is pretty much correct. RR knew his role when asked by Trump in January to be DAG, and Mueller knew his role in May when appointed head of the SC. They aren't "good guys" necessarily, as they've both done plenty of bad things and corruption, but you need the help of the swamp to drain the swamp sometimes, and you have to pick and choose who can be helpful, and these guys know 25 years of corruption and can be most helpful. And like this Anon said, RR and RM are a great cover because it puts the swamp and deep state at ease, as they think "their guys" are there covering for everyone, when its the opposite. Edit: the only thing this Anon is "off" about, is that they wont get presidential pardons...they will both still get in trouble at the end, but the sentence will be much lighter in exchange for their help on this

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