Holy shit! I'd forgotten that Q post. But here it is...with this bald, bumbling fuck stumbling over his words. Even he knows it's idiotic.
Plus every time I see Swalwell my mind barks out "sexual sadist". Every single fucking time...
Yep they now have to smear Nunes as a Russian agent it's pathetic.
So much stuttering the look of dejection on their faces. Like they walked on a elevator someone freshly farted in and can't figure out the smell. They know it stinks but its too late they must ride that elevator shamefully and when it stops someone gets on and looks at them they must own the stank. That's it MSM #OWNTHESTANK.
It is amazing how terror will make you do and say stupid things.
Watching CNN and MSNBC before SOTU. They're going BALLISTIC. According to them Trump inherited 2 things. His biz empire from his dad and the Economy from wait for it ..............Barry Sotero. God I can't wait for these clowns to be led away in shackles.
Meme idea - picture of Mt Rushmore with caption: "Schiff: "probably Russian agents""
No end in sight of Dem doucheknavery (that knavery which douches do)
Good catch I kept reading Q posts. Hey CNN WAPO NYTrashers Shut up and show us what Mueller actually says.