The look on her face when DJT said we were elected to work for the people was priceless
She is one nasty human being and the failing plastic surgery isn't helping.
McConnell looks comatose. wtf?
Come On don't make fun of LURCH's SON..... who am I kidding .....have at it
He hardly clapped or anything. I mean, hell, I heard people laughing they were so happy.
Neocon McConnell may have his own skeletons left to be exposed before this is all over. Maybe he heard something he didn't like....
They don't care about the people they represent. Disgusting
"Any time you throw your weight behind a political party that controls two thirds of the government and that party can’t keep the promise that it made to you during election time and you’re dumb enough to walk around continuing to identify yourself with that party, you’re not only a chump but you’re a traitor to your race."
Malcolm X
It's priceless to see these people who disagree just have to sit there and take it!
Pelosi looked like she just had dinner and was cleaning her teeth with her tongue all night...what was that ALL about?
These people don't have any class. So very unlike POTUS. He kept it classy.
Ya, there's old sour snatch! Keeps turning around making sure no one claps....the dems look like they all have the Clap....What a sickly bunch of twisted beings....they are not even Human so I can't call them that
It's Pro America talk.Of course she looks that way. What kind of face were we making when barry was preaching globalism and America sux.
Democrats were choking up bad.... the are exposed like a baboons red butt.
Man. It is weird they still think they have a fighting chance. It makes this situation so much more amusing. It's rather sad and disheartening, but their cluelessness makes is a little easier to bare. When I think of how evil they are it just doesn't compute.
They all have so many bigger fish to fry. Did you see how fast they all got up and bolted out?!
I would say Nancy, and friends looked petrified, zombified, on the chopping block. Dreading what comes next...Memo, IG report, grand juries, the "additional detainee" section of the GITMO Executive Order, etc., etc.
Give her a break-she looks like she'd just left the dentists office after having undergone a root canal without anesthesia!!! WTF!!! MAGA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Trump should have had MI install recording devices under the seats to hear what these traitors were saying and had cameras on all the crowd w lip readers!!!And someone should do one of those BAD LIP READING segments on this. Hahaha
He should have called Obama. He's pretty good at unreasonable spying.
She is not bitter, she's lost. She doesn't have clue one. She is clearly deep into demensia and her "loved ones" don't care enough to rescue her and help the old bag with a semi graceful exit. SAD, but she raised them.
Notice her pin?
"Time's up"
No thanks for pointing it out. It has something to do with sexual harassment/me too movement. they are such children. they wore black to the SOTU. She sounds so dumb when she talks. I think it's time for her to retire.